Pre Bidding Solo Players Rankings

  1. Realest

There will be a lot of hate on putting a DC in the top 5. I don’t care, Realest is the best DC in the league. Only person in my opinion that rivals Realest in defensive acumen is Mo. Between them two and everyone else, its not even close. I expect Realest to come back tougher than ever. Without a doubt whatever team he lands on will be playoff bound. He will bring top caliber defensive play to whichever team is lucky enough to land him.

  1. Woohdy

The reigning MVP is bound to get a lot of work this season. I said this multiple seasons ago and I stand by it, Woohdy is the best back in the league. Period. I feel like Willy is in that conversation. There are some really really good ones out there. But the performance Woohdy put up last season was by far the best in probably league history (don’t fact check me). Majority of the teams this season wont have a velocity ability so look for a lot of people to tote the rock. All that does for Woohdys value is shoot it to the moon. While sometimes he is toxic to play with his skills are worthy of spending the bank on.

  1. Koolaidz

Making these list are pretty tough. To me going into bidding the best Qb is Koolaidz. Ive been playing with or against Koolaidz since Madden 11 or 12. From Gamebattles to us in the MUT streets in 18 or 19. I know the caliber of player you get with Koolaidz. I’ve played with Koolaidz in in-houses while using shit teams. Regardless of the abilities, he always finds a way to score. That is the difference maker in me putting him here over say JamesSmith. James is good…. but without highballs and velocity abilities, is he? Nobody knows. Plus he didn’t sign up. Ill stick to my guns with going with Koolaidz as the best solo QB in bidding.

  1. TMO

In my opinion Mo and Realest are neck and neck for the best DCs in the league. This season will be a defensive driven season. With the velocity abilties going away for the most part, I anticipate teams will gravitate towards toting the rock. The best solution to that kind of offense is shut down defense. Mo always has a lock down defense. He adjust when he needs to and always watches game film to prepare for matchups. Mo should be a top bid for any team looking to bag shit up.

  1. Willy

You want the best of both worlds in one player. Take Willy. He’s a beast with the ball in his hands on O. He can turn what should be a negative run into positive yardage very frequently. On O he’s good but on defense he’s even better. Mastering the moves on the line and always making Qbs account for him. Willy is the best all around RB/DL in bidding. Whichever team lands him is getting a helluva player.

  1. Logic

While Logic didn’t play last season. He’s a baller on both sides of the ball. His football IQ is very high. He can run the meta with the best of em. He adjust on the fly and is always hip on new ways to get pressure on the Qb. Always changing up the pressure looks and coverage shells. His adjustments alone put him in the conversation for top bidding prospects.

  1. Northzide

North is in HOF consideration. Do I really need to say more? While his DLine play hasn’t been quite up to what we are accustomed to seeing, North will always be a factor in games. My first season back in the league, North and Kuhrow tore me up in back to back games. Ive seen the terror that he can deliver on the line. Maybe we will see that again. Also with no qbs really having abilities, why not bid on the all time leading rusher in the league?  Not only was he a phenomenal pass rusher but he was also a stud RB. I expect teams to invest heavy in North. Hes a great runner and with the qb situations those might be highly valued.

  1. Drock

Drock’s stats never really reflect his play. I don’t understand it. On the field with in houses he always plays hella good but during seasons its like he’s nonexistent. Idk maybe its his former teammates, maybe its because he talks really fast and is hard to understand?  Idk I feel like if Drock slowed his pace by a notch he would be killing it in the regular season. These are all opinions. Idk. I still rank Drock as a top 5 QB in the bidding because I have seen him light up scoreboards.

  1. Fear Painkiller

Fear plays well on both sides of the ball. A season ago he was in MVP consideration. Chubb can make anyone great but he still had to user control those plays. Fear is a good player and would be a good addition to any team with a good rb.

  1. Unglued Tiger

Rumblings over the last few seasons is that Tiger is toxic af. Maybe that’s to keep the price down? Idk. I do know that he has put up solid numbers. In a league where QBs will be kind of handicapped this season, having a great runner out of the backfield is key. Toxic or not. Tiger has a lot of value at the RB position.

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