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S1 Walter Payton Man of the Year Award & Head Coach

Congratulations to the Walter Payton Man of the Year award winner Swaggy Tbs He had this to say: I definitely feel like I could have done way more towards the end, and I plan on getting back to it as soon as the draft, really just a motivation thing, editing takes a lot of my […]

Season 1 MVP

Congratulations to our Most Valuable Player from Season 1.  EboKtsop the Owner and the Defensive Coordinator for the Super Bowl Champion Atlanta Falcons! EboKtsop had this to say about the season: You win some, You lose some

Season 1 DCotY

Congratulations to the Defensive Coordinator of the Year the DC for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tmo! Tmo had this to say about the season : the season was hard fought with the Buccaneers my line held it down Woody and warpath. Only allowing over 20 points once is hard. Good season. Holding blunkey to 15 […]

Season 1 OCotY

Congratulations to the Offensive Coordinator of the Year the Quarterback from the Cincinnati Bengals Joka! Joka had this to say about the season: hell of a season. definitely an interesting one, but its only the start of something great. shoutout to TDsoloo for giving me an opportunity to Gm for em. Sucks we didnt make […]

S1 Positional Awards

Running Back of the Year award goes to Woohdy v2 Wide Receiver of the Year award goes to SixthMallard Defensive Lineman of the Year goes to xxChildplease Line Backer of the Year goes to TMO Defensive Back of the year award goes to Natecashmoney Rookie of the Year award goes to Oxqw Owner of the […]

3VL Discord

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Although you can find out everything you need to know about the 3VL here on our website, Discord is where most of our league operates. Our league sign ups, tournaments league chat and more are all in our discord. Stop sitting on the sidelines and join in on the action.

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About the 3VL


Ever wish you played professional football? Well we can offer you the next best thing, a virtual football career. We’re as if fantasy football meet a professional football career. We play 3v3 team-up football up on Madden. Sign up, pick a position, get drafted to a team, and help them compete for a Super Bowl while we keep track of your stats!

Learn More
DateEventTime/ResultsLeagueSeasonVenueArticleMatch Day
Detroit Lions vs Baltimore Ravens
Cincinnati Bengals vs Jacksonville Jaguars
Kansas City Chiefs vs Dallas Cowboys
Cleveland Browns vs Philadelphia Eagles
San Francisco 49ers vs Green Bay Packers
Buffalo Bills vs Atlanta Falcons
Los Angeles Chargers vs Chicago Bears
Houston Texans vs Miami Dolphins
San Francisco 49ers
Dallas Cowboys
Los Angeles Chargers
Baltimore Ravens
Kansas City Chiefs vs Cleveland Browns
Green Bay Packers vs Atlanta Falcons
Miami Dolphins vs Chicago Bears
Dallas Cowboys
Miami Dolphins
Green Bay Packers vs Miami Dolphins
San Francisco 49ers
Detroit Lions vs Jacksonville Jaguars
Seattle Seahawks
Cincinnati Bengals vs Philadelphia Eagles
Detroit Lions
Green Bay Packers
San Francisco 49ers
New Orleans Saints vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles
New Orleans Saints vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles
Dallas Cowboys vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals
Wednesday 2-28-24
San Francisco 49ers vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
New Orleans Saints vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S1
Baltimore Ravens vs Buffalo Bills3VL3VL S1
Cincinnati Bengals vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S1
Dallas Cowboys vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S1
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Kansas City Chiefs3VL3VL S1
Los Angeles Chargers vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S1
Philadelphia Eagles vs San Francisco 49ers3VL3VL S1
Seattle Seahawks vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons vs New Orleans Saints3VL3VL S1
Buffalo Bills vs Baltimore Ravens3VL3VL S1
Cleveland Browns vs Cincinnati Bengals3VL3VL S1
Green Bay Packers vs Dallas Cowboys3VL3VL S1
Kansas City Chiefs vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S1
Miami Dolphins vs Los Angeles Chargers3VL3VL S1
San Francisco 49ers vs Philadelphia Eagles3VL3VL S1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S1
Atlanta Falcons
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New Orleans Saints
Cincinnati Bengals
Seattle Seahawks vs Philadelphia Eagles
Baltimore Ravens
Kansas City Chiefs vs Green Bay Packers
Los Angeles Chargers
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Cleveland Browns
Atlanta Falcons
Cincinnati Bengals
Baltimore Ravens
Los Angeles Chargers
Atlanta Falcons vs Cincinnati Bengals
Green Bay Packers vs Cleveland Browns
Cleveland Browns
Miami Dolphins vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S2
Atlanta Falcons vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S2
New York Jets vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
Detroit Lions vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
Cleveland Browns vs New York Giants3VL3VL S2
Indianapolis Colts vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs New York Jets3VL3VL S2
Green Bay Packers vs Detroit Lions3VL3VL S2
Atlanta Falcons vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S2
New York Giants vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S2
New York Giants vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S2
Detroit Lions vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S2
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S2
New York Jets vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
Miami Dolphins vs Houston Texans3VL3VL S2
Atlanta Falcons vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
Seattle Seahawks vs New York Jets3VL3VL S2
Cleveland Browns vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
New York Giants vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Green Bay Packers vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs Detroit Lions3VL3VL S2
Atlanta Falcons vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
Detroit Lions vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
Cleveland Browns vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S2
New York Jets vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Seattle Seahawks vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
New York Giants vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S2
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Detroit Lions3VL3VL S2
Seattle Seahawks vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S2
Green Bay Packers vs Houston Texans3VL3VL S2
Miami Dolphins vs New York Giants3VL3VL S2
New York Jets vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
Cleveland Browns vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Green Bay Packers vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
New York Jets vs New York Giants3VL3VL S2
Atlanta Falcons vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S2
Seattle Seahawks vs Detroit Lions3VL3VL S2
Seattle Seahawks vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S2
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
New York Giants vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S2
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs New York Jets3VL3VL S2
Green Bay Packers vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S2
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
New York Giants vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S2
Atlanta Falcons vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs New York Jets3VL3VL S2
Green Bay Packers vs Detroit Lions3VL3VL S2
Miami Dolphins vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Detroit Lions vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
Indianapolis Colts vs New York Giants3VL3VL S2
New York Jets vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Atlanta Falcons vs Houston Texans3VL3VL S2
Miami Dolphins vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S2
Cleveland Browns vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S2
Indianapolis Colts vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Miami Dolphins vs New York Jets3VL3VL S2
Seattle Seahawks vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S2
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S2
Cleveland Browns vs Detroit Lions3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs New York Giants3VL3VL S2
Green Bay Packers vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
Detroit Lions vs New York Jets3VL3VL S2
New York Giants vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
Seattle Seahawks vs Cleveland Browns3VL3VL S2
Miami Dolphins vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Atlanta Falcons vs Detroit Lions3VL3VL S2
Seattle Seahawks vs Green Bay Packers3VL3VL S2
Miami Dolphins vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs New York Giants3VL3VL S2
Cleveland Browns vs New York Jets3VL3VL S2
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
Cleveland Browns vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
Miami Dolphins vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
New York Giants vs Detroit Lions3VL3VL S2
New York Jets vs Atlanta Falcons3VL3VL S2
Houston Texans vs Seattle Seahawks3VL3VL S2
Green Bay Packers vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Cleveland Browns vs Houston Texans3VL3VL S2
Detroit Lions vs Miami Dolphins3VL3VL S2
Atlanta Falcons vs Jacksonville Jaguars3VL3VL S2
Green Bay Packers vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers3VL3VL S2
New York Jets vs Indianapolis Colts3VL3VL S2
Seattle Seahawks vs New York Giants3VL3VL S2
New York Jets vs Houston Texans
Cleveland Browns vs Atlanta Falcons
New York Giants vs Indianapolis Colts
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Miami Dolphins
New York Jets vs Cleveland Browns
New York Giants vs Jacksonville Jaguars
S1 Walter Payton Man of the Year Award & Head Coach

Congratulations to the Walter Payton Man of the Year award winner Swaggy Tbs He had this to say: I definitely feel like I could have done way more towards the end, and I plan on getting back to it as soon as the draft, really just a motivation thing, editing takes a lot of my […]

Season 1 MVP

Congratulations to our Most Valuable Player from Season 1.  EboKtsop the Owner and the Defensive Coordinator for the Super Bowl Champion Atlanta Falcons! EboKtsop had this to say about the season: You win some, You lose some

Season 1 DCotY

Congratulations to the Defensive Coordinator of the Year the DC for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tmo! Tmo had this to say about the season : the season was hard fought with the Buccaneers my line held it down Woody and warpath. Only allowing over 20 points once is hard. Good season. Holding blunkey to 15 […]

Season 1 OCotY

Congratulations to the Offensive Coordinator of the Year the Quarterback from the Cincinnati Bengals Joka! Joka had this to say about the season: hell of a season. definitely an interesting one, but its only the start of something great. shoutout to TDsoloo for giving me an opportunity to Gm for em. Sucks we didnt make […]

S1 Positional Awards

Running Back of the Year award goes to Woohdy v2 Wide Receiver of the Year award goes to SixthMallard Defensive Lineman of the Year goes to xxChildplease Line Backer of the Year goes to TMO Defensive Back of the year award goes to Natecashmoney Rookie of the Year award goes to Oxqw Owner of the […]

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