Ya’ll know the drill. This time we look at the top 10 WR going into Madden 23 (assuming they continue their career as WR and sign up for S6). The requirements and grading goes as follow:
- a minimum of 2 seasons played at that position
- RECs, REC YDS, REC TDs, and RAC where the criteria of ranking these WRs. NOTE: these metrics are looked at on a season average; NOT total.
The formula is straight forward. I took a players total recs/ the # of seasons they played in. Same along with REC Yds, REC TDs, and RAC. You can find each players season averages below the image.

1.) FarahEnFuego – 102 RECs, 2143 YDs, 19 TDs, 791 RAC
2.) BeefyChub – 80 RECs, 1695 YDs, 16 TDs, 392 RAC
3.) Areisx21 – 76 RECs, 1611 YDs, 16 TDS, 451 RAC
4.) Kuhrow – 79 REC, 1626 YDs, 15 TDs, 342 RAC
5.) MeowWMinotaur – 79 REC, 1158 YDs, 13 TDs, 446 RAC
6.) Outaker24 – 77 RAC, 1457 YDs, 13 TDs, 322 RAC
7.) JPxProdigie – 70 REC, 1426 YDs, 10 TDs, 389 RAC
8.) NeverPractices – 60 REC, 1139 YDs, 12 TDs, 312 RAC
9.) TLPKavious – 58 REC, 1108 YDs, 8 TDs, 391 RAC
10.) GaabageAssassin – 57 REC, 1029 YDs, 10 TDs, 371 RAC
Check out the #VFL-media-content channel in the discord for the top 10 RBs and DL thus far.
Be on the lookout for the next top 10 which will over the DBs.