In this article we will cover good bad and in-between. As we look at some of the most shocking news through week one of the VFL’s NFL season 7.
Packers GM retires, Replacement?

Week one of the season is officially in the books, we already have our first general manager quit. With Nedley aka Logic stepping down and retiring. Sources have stated that he had stepped down due to a disagreement with personnel with the owner Luckydabs. Which is something that is pretty common among the NFL level. We have ran into this issue in the past, referencing Ponchy from season one, the owner of the SUPER BOWL winning Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Yeah the same Ponchy who lost his GM week one and proceeded on to win the Super Bowl. The question will be is Lucky going to be able to do the same.
I was able to speak with the owner of the Packers about the situation to try and find out what happened and who he was going to replace him with and this was his response.
Can i get some insight on what happened with Nedley?
A: Lucky Dabs (Packers Owner)
So basically me and Nedley personalities just didn’t click at all. I realized that after a few times in parties with him, so I just knew over time we was going to clash at some point. Logic wanted Cause on the team I took a chance on him. He’s a top MUT player but dude only calls one play the whole game. It probably works in MUT but not in the VFL. Well after the games last night Logic wanted me to cut Omni and Smoove for these 2 new rookies in the league which I had no problem calling them up but I’m not cutting Omni and Smoove. Why not cut Cause that’s struggling in the VFL and make the change that way. When I said that Logic said stick to my plan or I’ll quit. So I told him I wasn’t doing that and he quit. I have no hard feelings towards logic he had a set view of what he thought could win us a SB and I respect him for that and wish we could’ve balled out together this season.
How will this effect your season going forward and who do you have your eye on for the replacement as your GM?
A: Lucky Dabs (Packers Owner)
This has effected us some but not a lot. We have already made changes to lineups and putting our ring season team back together and ready to ball. As far as GM goes there is one guy I picked and he already accepted which is Redhour.
Lucky does not seem to be in poor spirits and seems to want to proceed on with the Super Bowl aspirations he started the season with. Losing a GM is a big loss no matter which way you want to look at it. With Redhour coming in quickly and looking to make a quick impact in his GM duties they may be able to stay on track and proceed to the main goal which is to the championship.
The Chiefs are off to a ROUGH start

The Chiefs have had a tough start. Fortunately for them it comes by their own doing. The Kansas City Chiefs have lost 2 games due to missed field goals and another to some rumored “SHADY PLAY”. With that being recognized it’s clearly at their own demise, they should have no issues turning their season around. They have solid top talent on their user roster with Hucci and of course Ebokstop piloting Mahomes on another line.
Their record is 4-5 which will have them hovering in the middle of the standings going into week two. The only line on the chiefs at the moment with a winning record is Realest, which should be the case seeing how he has a 16.5 million dollar shoe to fill. Good to see that the money was well spent. With Ebok and Hucci both going 1-2. I believe it is safe to assume Ebok will turn his season around losing one of his two games off a missed game winning field goal attempt and some poor ball management. The Chiefs who almost everyone power ranked them #2 in preseason polls, I believe will recover and finish near the top by the end of the season.
We are talking transactions BABY!

Since there has been so many transactions, we are just going to cover the highlights right here an all-in-one basis.
1. x King Jon x is being called up to the VFL Eagles and Ugonegetthiswork is being sent down to waivers for 24 hours! If they clear waivers they will be placed on the AFL Eagles!
King Jon as I stated in a previous article, this player was going to be playing on the NFL level before the season was over. It is a good call up for the Eagles, he is an extremely reliable player, will give you solid production and you cannot beat the price, 500k. With this call up Ugonegetthiswork was placed on waivers and to the surprise of many, no one made a claim for him. He was sent down because the Eagles were unable to find a trade partner for him and the allotted time they had to trade him ran out. The Eagles wanted the former NFL MVP on the roster but after butting heads with owner/GM he wanted out of Philly and now has done just that. After not being claimed and sent to the AFL I believe that is where he remains.
2. TWC Warpath is being called up to the VFL Bills and Prime Living is being sent down to waivers for 24 hours! If they clear waivers they will be placed on the AFL Bills!
TWC Warpath was as well in my article ( from last week were you can find warpath at number one. It is no surprise to see him being called up. He does however lead the NFL in interceptions all time. That being said he can get some wins, when no one thinks he will. A solid call up for the Bills and should perform well with Josh Allen.
Cleveland Browns receive: I Fig 1 – 500k – RB/LB
Cincinnati Bengals receive: Hogcrazy9934 – 500k – RB/DB
Solid trade for both teams I believe the Browns will receive a consistent running back with Fig. I am sure in all aspects that Fig is going to be extremely happy moving to the Browns and being able to play with NICK CHUBB.
Bengals: Hogcrazy who was moved up to the NFL level to make this trade. I have seen Hogcrazy play WR before and he was solid with a good cast of users around him. I have also seen him at QB which he struggled with last season. RB is going to be a new endeavor which should be fun to watch. We knew hog was going to be in the NFL league sooner rather than later. Now we must wait and see what he is capable of overall solid trade by both teams
Winner: Browns
Although Hogcrazy is a reliable player, Fig has been at RB for a long time and shown consistency. Where on the other side, this is a first on this Madden for that reason the winner of this trade goes to the Browns
Buffalo Bills receive: Ibprofram – 3 Million – RB/LB
Green Bay Packers receive: Never Practices – 9.5 Million – RB/DL
This is a decent pickup for the Bills, it’s not worth as much as they lost. Ibprofram is a solid guy and can produce to his value. A guy who is active in the league and capable of doing what needs to be done. Im not sure how you would feel leaving Aaron Jones to go to Devin Singletary or James Cook although Singletary is shifty and Cook is fast they are not as well rounded as what he is leaving in the Packers backfield.
Green Bay Packers
Season 6 to Season 7 jump of QB play is extreme

With week one coming to a close and all the stats that have been entered. The quarterback play this season has been night and day compared to what last season was. After week one last season you could barely find one QB that had more touchdown passes than interceptions thrown, as of the time I wrote this article. The most interceptions in the league right now is 6 by Tpbraves, coupled with his 6 TDs. The players with better TD/INT ratios shown:
- King champ (LAC 2-1) 7 TDS, 2 INTS
- Koolaids (TB 3-0) 8 TDS, 2 INTS
- Ebokestop (KC 1-2) 9 TDS, 2 INTS
So at the bottom, the most thrown interceptions as of now is 6 with as many touchdowns and the top league is heavy with good TD/INT ratios. As compared to last season when you barely had any players in the entirety of the league have more touchdowns than interceptions. The massive improvement comes from in my opinion a more rounded understanding of what works and what does not including the rule changes to fit more of the cheesy players and shift away from a sim league.