Hucci’s Playoff or Bust


The Bucs are sitting kind of nice going into this week. No chance they miss playoffs. Brady had one hell of a week posting 15TD’s to 2INT’s and going 3-0 in the process. The war between him and Ebok might have been the best game of the year. Beaste had an average week posting a 2-1 record. However, 2-1 being an average week is a result that some teams would kill for. Beaste is primed to take another team to a SB run. Even with Abyss retiring this team is still alot of peoples favorite to win it all. With Beaste and Brady at QB I don’t disagree that it is a major possibility. Good Luck to these guys in the playoffs. I already know they will finish the season strong.


The KC Chiefs are already locks in the playoffs. Even with Hexied missing a week this team still found itself on the winning side this week. Having Hex back in the lineup will reinforce their position as one of the top seeds going into the playoffs. Champ is having a great season. Champ and Farah always find a way to get it done in the regular season. Getting Hexied on the squad in bidding may finally result in them winning it all. I look forward to our rematch with the self-proclaimed “goats” of the VFL.


I said this since the beginning of the season, Woohdy is the best RB in the VFL. His attitude may suck sometimes (which is a trend with RB’s), but the talent is there. He had a season MVP performance in one week. Posting godly numbers and cementing the Browns in the top 3. Woohdy did so well this past week that he kind of overshadowed his teammates who also had a decent week statistically. Both Redwater and IbPro were top 3 in rushing right along with Woohdy. The only difference is Woohdy went 3-0 and they both went 1-2. I don’t see this week being any different with Woohdy carrying this team into the playoffs. Getting Brisket and Accountant somewhere along the way sures up the Browns defense. Accountant is a terror on the line, w/o an ability, I can’t imagine what he will do with Myles. I still think this team will let Woohdy tote them into the playoffs but these are smart moves from Braves to sure up the defense headed into the playoffs.


Here we are sitting at 15-12. To be fair, both me and Ebok have 6-3 (1 loss not at QB) records with Breesus’ 2-7 holding most of our Ls. I am surprised we are almost playoff eligible. Barring a catastrophic breakdown this week, we should make the playoffs. Ebok put on a show this week with his only loss coming to Brady. This firefight between the two reinvigorated Eboks claim as a top 3 QB in this league. He did that with no passing abilities as well. Ebok is firing down range with precision w/o abilities. While I (Hucci) have been struggling. I have been winning but not convincingly. I have been in this league 5 seasons and I have never had stud teammates. Thats the problem I have this season. I have such good teammates on my line and I just don’t know how to use them effectively. I have always had 500k players with me. I’ve been working in the lab to get my guys more involved so we will see how this week goes. Mo has been running a phenomenal defense I just have to pick it up on offense. As for Breesus’ line, the addition of Kuhrow hasn’t really paid off yet. Not his fault. Breesus just plays like he has a passing ability. While this team had a few slumps, I do know we will all show up playoff time (except Breesus). See y’all in the post season.


The Chargers are almost playoff locks as well. TxJames is once again undefeated and in the MVP race. Unfortunately, MVP trophies don’t win SB trophies. I question the strength of schedule. Iron sharpens iron. If you go into the playoffs only playing average and below average lines all season, then you are going to get beat by good teams in the playoffs. It happened last year. Nice stats, but trophies are all that matters. This team will make the playoffs. Honestly though I wouldn’t fear playing TXJames line in the playoffs, I would fear the AP line. They are battle tested and always have great games against the best of competition this league has. I would rather play the other lines than the AP boys. Remix is an old head who is making his return to the league. His first game at QB didn’t really go bad or well. Decent stat line, it just didn’t result in a win. I look forward to seeing how Remix gets along in the new VFL. From my perspective, I’m happy to see Johnny in a postseason. He is a good owner; a good guy and he deserves it after having shit teams in the past. Best of luck to the Chargers heading into the playoffs.




Surprisingly, the Packers are not far off from locking themselves in a playoff spot. If they win out this week it could mean the Pack is playoff bound. Smitty has put together a little squad of hitters. Despite all the trades and other stuff, Smitty’s Pack is still almost .500. Fig and Smitty’s line have done well this season. Fig isn’t lighting up the scoreboard, but they are squeaking out some wins sitting at 6-3. The other line with Rytzo has a few wins as well sitting at 4-4. One of those wins is over me. At 4-4 he holds the key to this team’s playoffs hopes. Rytzo really likes 01 Trap. At this point in the season it’s gonna take more than that to get them over that hump. Hes gotta open the playbook up to compete in the playoffs. As for the other line, RCV20 came out and got a dub in his first game out. Jury is still out on whether his success will continue. The addition of Nate to the squad gives me alot of hope for this team. Nate is a great player and can help propel this team past the other teams on a playoff push.


Lucky always seems to be in the hunt. Making moves and adjustments to set his team up for success. Barely sitting on the outside of a playoff spot that alot of teams are fighting over. His one game suspension this week may come back to haunt him. Lucky coming off a 3-0 week shows he’s finally hitting his stride on this team. Missing a game from one of your star players is tough. The other star QB Sacrifice has struggled this week posting a 1-2 record. I have no doubt Sac will get it together. Hes a good schemer. Maybe changing the gameplan would benefit him. Despite the 2-7 record for the season, Playoff Sac is built different. They just gotta get there first. The Bengals have one of the best RB rooms in the league besides the Browns. Fear, North and Telos are studs in the backfield. Just got to find the scheme to utilize them correctly. The 3rd QB Beachmode is 50/50 mostly. Sometimes he’s on and sometimes he’s completely off. Between him and Sac, one of them must step up and help push this team into the playoffs. I want that Lucky matchup.


I’m kind of surprised that Koolaid’s squad is questionable for playoffs.

Inconsistency at QB has been their biggest downfall. It’s the Bills and Josh Allen. One of the best QB’s in the game. I don’t understand how you struggle with Allen at QB. The Tglass experiment failed the Bills and maybe their playoff hopes. I’m not saying they are out because I expect Koolaidz to always be in the playoffs. But they have to pick it up if that’s going to happen. The Tglass experiment showed the difference between the NFL and AFL. His 0-6 record didn’t help this squad at all. With Shady stepping in at QB I expect this week to go alot better for the Bills. Shady may be the difference in them making playoffs or not. Shady makes good reads so I expect a good week from him. The Bills have gotten both good and bad from the AFL this season. Tglass didn’t pan out but Porkside has shown to be a hidden gem from the AFL. Koolaidz is having a great season as usual. However, for this team to compete in the offs the rest of the QB’s need to step it up.


The Dolphins have been a struggle bus this season. The expectations of Cruce have kind of fallen short of what we thought. Cruce is a great player but when you play with abilities it’s tough to switch to no abilities. Not only switch to no abilities but switch to a lefty with no abilities. While the Dolphins have the speed, they don’t have the wins. Verts has shown up in his first season posting a 6-2 record. Verts has played well accounting for 6 of the teams 10 wins. He has gotten more wins than the other 2 QB’s combined. That’s tragic. While the Dolphins are still struggling to find a 3rd QB that can win, I feel like it’s too late in the season. Their season might be over. On paper this team looked OK at the beginning, but the team looks completely different than the team they started with. While I don’t know if they are eliminated completely yet. This week must be all dubs for them to have a chance.


Ohio had a formidable squad coming into the season. Getting Drock and the AP line. This team looked easily .500. With the GM retiring and none of the QB/s really doing well this season besides the AP line. I think this team has given up on this season. Trading away the AP line and getting T1 Anime just to trade him away shows that. Ohio has always been a good owner but everyone has an off season. I expect him to return next season with better management moves to be better next season.

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