With the first ever VFL play in game right around the corner, I wanted to take a look at who could potentially be in this game!

As I’m writing this the bills are in 7th with the Bengals one game behind them! Bengals play the buccaneers and the browns tonight, both could be losses for the Bengals.

While the bills already played their scheduled game against the browns and lost earlier this week, they also have the dolphins tonight who forfeited both their games yesterday. And could do the same tonight.

Packers are one game ahead of the bills and have the tiebreakers they play the chiefs and the dolphins so their playoff spot is looking pretty safe to me.

The play in game will be one game between the aforementioned seeds, one game, top line vs top line winner plays on, loser watches. This had been discussed for a majority of the season and a few players had mentioned their interest in this style of game! So with an owners vote staff decided to do a play in game. The owners of each team have until noon at Sunday to get the game in, however if a time is not decided before Thursday at 9 that is the defaulted game time! Let’s jump into the potential matchup

If I had to guess it will be “clamped by lucky” (6-5) on the season vs koolaids (10-2) this will probably be a solid matchup lucky seems to always make the playoffs no matter how his team starts. This season will be on his shoulders with the help of fear painkiller the self proclaimed “greatest RB of all time” this has been a solid duo since the trades happened to bring him to cincy, on the other side the bills will definitely throw koolaids , sixth mallard, and potential rookie of the year porkside. These guys as a line are now 9-0 together.

From my point of view, with the Bengals losing joe mixons abilities and the bills catching a load of steam as of late. I think the bills will beat the Bengals out of the playoffs and move forward!

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