VFL Week 2 Power Rankings

1. Cowboys (12-6)

This team is in my opinion the best team in the league at the moment, the addition of fear and shady I think will benefit them greatly seeing how the cowboys fit fears play style. Brady’s line going 6-0 is not much of a surprise to me Brady dominates every season why would it be any different now? The real surprise to me is remix he is sitting at 4-2 with a 3-10 td to int ratio his game management and their defense seems to be winning them games! I can definitely see them keeping this trend up!

2. Dolphins (10-7) 

This team has the best line in the league with ponchy and realest on the same line with nedley playing RB DL I don’t see them losing any games this season to be honest. They just traded the rytzo line for spacious horse Willy and explicit so I’m looking for the other lines to start picking up some of the slack Willy can carry a line and beaste is a top QB no matter what people say about him he will figure out how to win games.

3. Eagles (11-5) 

I understand they have a few games missing but I do not think this team is as deep as the dolphins are champ Farah and accountant will ball out as they always do, TP will win games he’s a competitor and obviously they have the alpha male highwalker so this team is nice, I’m just concerned with their 3rd line. I do not consider them to be that solid. The website shows them to be 2-2 but I do not think this is accurate and I’m thinking they’re 3-3 at very best. However with strong enough 1st and 2nd lines the third line won’t be a huge handicap

4. Cardinals (10-7) 

Rating a team lead by ebok this low is almost blasphemous, but with the loss of hexied and boxing I can see this team starting to hit a struggle streak, drock came in this week after being traded last week and played great! Ebok must have shown him some glitches. And with ebok snagging breesus from the Seahawks after an interesting transaction report this week i wonder if breesus can start to learn the glitchy ways of ebok to help this team out during this stretch.

5. 49ers (9-8)

AP boys are a solid 1st line and a great line 2 they can win a lot of games for you. Blk tmo and critical is probably this teams line 1 and with that line up most teams would be happy with them being the number one line! It’s the third line that I would be somewhat worried about with these guys but I can see them competing props to bhedden for building a solid roster after the storm he had on the dolphins last season!

6. Seahawks (9-9)

Mallard made his debut at QB this season with woohdy (MVP) as his RB and man they are off to an impressive start 5-1 is great they’re looking to be this teams line 1 and with a QB like koolaids on the team sitting at 4-2 this team will be making some noise. Again this team just needs a third line I also think they only have 6 players at the moment so let’s see how they recover. I don’t see them moving up much on this list if they can’t get together 3 more consistent guys.

7. Vikings (10-8) 

The Johnny madden line has started the season at 3-3 and played some serious competition this line is going to be a problem the more they play. Johnnywheels recently got his guy wace at QB and this guy has a history of playing for a little bit then vanishing if he can stay he is actually a strong QB when his head is in the game! Areis is dogass

8. Raiders (7-11) 

Ohio is struggling for the second season in a row but has made a tremendous amount of deals to bring in some new faces I hope he can turn the ship around and make a push this second half of the season for the playoffs!

9. Jags (4-12) 

Recently trading for hucci and his line I can see this team doing what smitty and fig did last season and making a huge push for playoffs. Fig is a solid game managing QB and can win some games hucci just needs to find his rhythm again and he’ll be back to his top QB play that he is known for! I like this team moving forward

10. Giants (5-12) 

Releasing ace was an interesting choice in my opinion he plays decent enough at QB to win games he may not be the prettiest QB to watch but who really is? Take out the top 3-5 QB’s in this league and we’re all pretty dogshit QB’s! Lucky is down BAD to this point in the season but he always always always finds a way to get it together. I’m starting to think he does this on purpose. Beach mode has played solid madden but just hasn’t been able to show a lot from it in the W column this should change but I am curious if it will be too little too late.

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