Top 10 DBs headed into Madden 23

** Sorry in advance if i accidently put a LB in this list. the issue I’ve ran across with this data is positions tracked over seasons was never documented. So when I work on defensive positions, I have to think or ask people what they played., pub-9964423801906113, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Time to take a look at the top 10 DBs going into Madden 23 (assuming they continue their career as DB and sign up for S6). The requirements and grading goes as follow:

  • a minimum of 2 seasons played at that position
  • INTs, Pass Def, INT Yards and DTDs where the criteria of ranking these DBs. NOTE: these metrics are looked at on a season average; NOT total. 

The formula is straight forward. I took a players total INTs/ the # of seasons they played in. Same along with Pass DEFs, INT Yards, and DTDs. You can find each players season averages below the image. 

1.) Areisx21 – 20 INTs, 10 PDEF, 3.6 DTDs

2.) IamBeaste – 15 INTs, 14 PDEF, 288 INT YDS, 3.3 DTDs

3.) NeverPractices – 14 INTS, 7 PDEF, 269 INT YDS, 5 DTDs

4.) KxngxChamp – 14 INTS, 8 PDEF, 248 INT YDS, 3.75 DTDs

5.) JPxProdigie – 18 INTS, 16 PDEF, 166 INT YDS, 3.6 DTDs

6.) Breesus – 13 INTS, 8 PDEF, 234 INT YDS, 3 DTDs

7.) RigsTime – 11 INTs, 10 PDEF, 266 INT YDS, 2 DTDs

8.) Th3R3al3st260 – 12 INTs, 7 PDEF, 221 INT YDS, 3 DTDs

9.) Drocknation2 – 10 INTS, 9 PDEF, 228 INT YDS, 2 DTDs

10.) Dfeetu44 – 9 INTS, 8 PDEF, 192 INT YDS, 2 DTDs