VBA Transactions Update
Call Ups And Send Downs
- Celtics completely revamp their roster under new owner LJ53
LJ brought up Mantis and Jersey Illest as his first moves , two people he has a history with . I believe he’s getting people that will play their games and allow them to finish the season but don’t expect any crazy changes in Boston when it comes to winning games .
- Miami has been very active, dropping both bud and bama to IR
Both were temporary changes , I don’t expect the roster to change much from here to playoffs .
- Nets pick up Ayo Tunechi and drop Cleveland4ever1
Pretty sure both of these guys have played for the nets throughout the season , with Ayo definitely being a more consistent player I could see this change being permanent
The Golden State Warriors send Big Wadeo to Memphis for Ebok.
- Probably one of the best trades I’ve seen this season , with ebok getting to play with his parents and knowing he can produce on draymond or at center and with big wadeo instantly producing on Desmond bane for the grizzlies , both teams gained from this trade .
Earlier in the week Miami Heat sent whoody to the grizzlies for IseecapBoy
- Memphis wins this trade , with whoody being a solid player 1-5 and obviously knowing how to play with Steven adams he jumped right into a big role for Memphis , Iseecap on the other hand hasn’t really proved much , and has tended to be unreliable. Will the heat be able to get cap to reach his full potential? TBD