ItsScaly Interview

How do you feel your week went after taking over a sinking ship? And how do you feel your week 2 will go?
Well the record of 2-10 is obviously not what we want to start out with , but with the 5 forfeit losses when you look at it we went 2-5 which isn’t the best but still something to work with , I’ve been working with the guys a lot across all 3 lines so I think we may surprise some people in week 2
After your first experience as owner how are you feeling moving forward as owner as the season progresses? And how likely are you to take ownership again next season?
Honestly when I first took over this team it was a lot to handle and I was thinking to myself did I make the wrong decision after leaving the current best team in the league , but after it’s kinda slowed down and I’ve got my guys together I feel good , I really feel like I’m meant for this role , currently I love running with my guys so definitely have plans of being an owner next season
Already having to take over a quitting team besides that, do you feel that having the panthers puts you at a massive disadvantage against the rest of the league? And do you feel you can compete and why?
Ya man taking over the quitting team was definitely a lot to handle I was given 4 players to work with but honestly the panthers are low key good in my opinion, they have a top 3 edge combo in reddick and burns , then they have alot of speed on both sides of the ball , the biggest problem may be the injuries with players like CMC and Jaycee horn going down last week . Honestly yes I do feel we can compete all of these guys know each other we just haven’t played team play together so I just think chemistry is just what we are missing which just takes time , I truly believe as the season goes on we will be one of the biggest surprises in the league
Ik you have only been an owner for one week but who do you feel has the most potential on your team? And why?
I know you asked for one person but I’m going to give this to two people , buckets and brownies have been very committed to finding their own schemes on offense and defense . They are just as competitive as me and we expect big things out of our line
Which team do you feel like is your biggest competition this season? And why?
well not to make yours or Dirty’s head bigger then they already are but it’s pretty obvious that the cardinals are currently on top of the league , James and dirty are very good qbs and have complete control over their lines , the only weakness on the cardinals in my opinion is their 3rd line I’ve never seen 3 grown men argue as much as greatlynx, banks , and joker do
Which team is the weakest and why?
I’d have to go with the bucs , they have too much talent to have the record they do , but to go a little different direction with that answer .. by far the most disappointing team in the league is the raiders , they talked all that trash and drafted all their boys just to have a negative record and struggle against teams that just came together!
Do you see yourself and your team making the playoffs this season?you are only 4 games behind the Cowboys, And if so how?
Our goal is definitely to make the playoffs but it will take more then my line playing well with our bad start , I know my second line is practicing hard to continue to improve but to be honest with you I’m worried about my third line they will need to show me something over these next few weeks , if the third line can win half their games then I feel good about our chances I will just have to see it with my own eyes
In your opinion (Besides yourself) who is the favorite to make it to the superbowl in the AFC? And NFC?
In the nfc it’s the cardinals definitely currently and in the afc it’s kinda a toss up the afc has been kind of disappointing in my opinion, it was looked at as the stronger conference and I truly think the nfc is not that far behind , I’ll give it to the bills slightly over the ravens right now though
What are the odds of you not having any FFs in week 2?
I want to say 100% but it will all come down to my 3rd line I think we have the schedule down but my 3rd line has not played together much at all we are breaking in a new qb so we will see how that all goes I’m excited to see what they got
Last question, Winning record in week 2 as a team?
No doubt , I expect to gain at least 2-3 games on the cowboys this week in the playoff race , definitely excited for week 2
Anything you would like to add on conclusion.
just want to give a shout-out to the owners for letting me become an owner and I hope to show you that you made the right decision
Its without a doubt that the panthers have a up hill battle to climb. If anything of what Scaly has said is going to be true then the climb will start now. IMO the climb will be steep. The panthers are a tough team to win with regardless of who you have. Much less having a tough start but if you get guys in games you will get guys to win games. so i think they will definitely be much better this week than before