Rookie of the Year Race – Preseason

As of 8/12/22, we have 20 rookies who plan on making an impact in Season 6. I expect this list to grow especially after the game drops on Tuesday and Owners are trying out players., pub-9964423801906113, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

In the past few seasons, the league has had difficulty with tracking Rookies and their season performances where there were no ROTY awards. With the help of this article, I plan on evaluating Rookies and their performances every week to help bring back this prestigious honor.

Since we have no data thus far, I will be ranking these players by their history with previous leagues or how I’ve evaluated them. This list will change every week when I am given data to analyze these players.

1.) II ReDWateR II (RB/LB)


3.) JeRzEys iLLeSt (WR/DB)

4.) call mee kyle (RB/DL)

5.) Geeqsofly (QB/DL)

6.) Userb Flawless (QB/DB)

7.) nedley0228 (QB/DB)


9.) DeAxMurderer

10.) SG Supermann