ARTICLE 7: Owner and Management Expectations

Section 1: Owner Expectations


  • Owners are expected to “set the example”.


  • Owners are expected to follow the rules at all times.


  • Owners are expected to ensure that all Players and Management are playing by the rules at all times. 


  • Owners are expected to ensure that all Players in their Organization have a fun environment to play in and that the values of the VFL are being adhered to.


  • Owners are expected to have an open-door policy for the Players and Management in their organization and make themselves available to assist in any issue that may arise.


  • Owners are expected to encourage their whole organization to practice, communicate and play together.


  • Owners are expected to post their availability in the weekly availability threads.


1.2: Owner Job Description


Owners are expected to ensure that their Management is active in team locker rooms and Management offices.


Owners are expected to oversee each of their GMs to ensure they are running their respective teams correctly to league standards.


Owners are expected to ensure their GMs are following their Job Description.


Owners are expected to step in and take care of the tasks listed in their GMs Job Description if the GM was fired, removed, or stepped down. This will be the Owners 

responsibility until new Management is found.


** This is a short list but not limited to all the expectations The VFLhas of GMs. If at any time things need to be added, there will be a force read **

1.3: Owner Punishments


Depending on the Owners involvement or lack thereof, they may meet the criteria for disciplinary action(s):


1st Offense – One game suspension


2nd Offense – One-week suspension


3rd Offense – Removal


* At anytime during the season with evidence provided, the commissioner’s staff may hold a meeting with an owner to discuss the possibility of the owner being removed. This will take place in situations that are deemed more serious than a first offense or second offense.

Section 2: Management Expectations


  • Management is expected to “set the example” for their Players and those of the League.


  • Management is expected to have an “open door” policy for all Players assigned to their Team.


  • Management is expected to follow all rules & procedures set forth by the League.


  • Management is expected to enforce all rules and procedures set for by the League.


  • Management is expected to ensure that all players are playing by the rules & standards set forth by the League, at all times.


  • Management is expected to post their availability in their weekly availability thread.


Management Job Description


Management Groups must have all players on his roster correctly inputted. All Game Stats must be inputted within 24hrs after completion of said game. ( Example: 9 pm Wed, game stats should be posted by 9 pm Thurs, no later.)


Management is responsible for lines, availability, rules, and other threads in their locker rooms. They are also responsible for posting lines according to the template, guidelines, and other standards set out by the league if the owner cannot do so.


Management is responsible for posting Calls up, Sends downs, Waiver claims, Blacklisting, Google doc corrections, Trade block, and IR call ups account to the standards laid out in Article 4: Rosters and Transactions if the owner cannot do so.


Management is expected to ensure all their players post their availability on a weekly bias.


Management is required to submit trades following the Trade template and by the deadline set out by the league.


** This is a short list but not limited to all the expectations The VFL has of GMs. If at any time things need to be added, there will be a force read **

2.3: Management Punishment


1st Offence – One game suspension


2nd Offence – One-week suspension


3rd Offence – Removal and Blacklisted


* At anytime during the season with evidence provided, the commissioner’s staff may hold a meeting with Management (and Owner) to discuss the possibility of the Management being removed. This will take place in situations that are deemed more serious than a first offense or second offense.

Section 3: Player Tampering 

3.1: Definition of Player Tampering


Player tampering is considered the act of contacting a contracted player(s) who are NOT on your team to encourage them to:


– Request a trade


– File complaint against Management or another Player


– Telling a player they are on the trade block


– Tell the player to “throw” or lose a game for their team


3.2: Punishment of Player Tampering


With significant proof provided to the League, the League will remove the Owner or Management responsible immediately!