Author: therevgod

Victisgaming Interview

Victims is a relatively new face to the league last season he was a late sign up and played on sixth mallards AFL packer squad, he’s a solid player with a good attitude!

1. Playing in the AFL last season what were your thoughts on that experience? And what would you like to see changed to help that portion of our league grow?

 I honestly thoroughly enjoyed the AFL. If for whatever reason, I did not end up on a VFL roster I would be totally okay playing on an AFL Roster.

I got lucky and had Mallard as an owner and he made the experience a blast. The only thing I would like to see different is more attention geared towards it. Some videos, articles, and what not to help generate some opportunities for the guys who get forgotten in the AFL. I feel like a lot of players if given the exposure could do really well in the VFL.

2. Who all is on your line this season and have y’all played together prior to this season? If so how long have y’all been playing together and what is y’all’s chemistry like?

 My line this season is Gmen1085 and Dizzel50. We have played squads for years now. Our chemistry is top notch and none of us are easily shaken. The fact we are so close I feel is a benefit. There is no chances of one of us cutting and running if things get tough. We will work hard and fix any issue we come across.

3. Do you have any suggestions to help the league get better as a whole?

  As a struggling content creator, I love what is done here so far. I would love to see some Twitch/YouTube streams that are a mock type of show you would see on The NFL Network

or ESPN. If ever given the opportunity I would like to help with something like that as well.

4. Have you met any new people since joining the league? Made any friends or enemies?

  I’ve met several people who I consider friends and they all have helped me improve my game in one way or the other. I wouldn’t say I have any enemies outside the occasional sarcastic smack talk, and even with those individuals I am able to learn from.

5. What do you think will help the chargers excel this season and help push Johnny into the playoffs?

  I think the addition of Gmen1085 as GM and James’ line will push Johnny’s team over the hump and get them into the playoffs. I have known Gmen for over a decade and he knows how to build something and make it turn out great. He has succeeded in everything he put his mind too and I don’t think this will be any different. Also with James on the line I think he will improve everyone’s gameplay on The Chargers. I have played a few games against him and he is extremely helpful, it has already paid dividends in all of our talent levels.

A Call Up Interview

With the recent acquisition of the blunkster I HAD to get mallards thoughts on picking him up and some of his other strategies as a new owner!

1. Were the bills your number one team going into the bidding or did you have other teams in mind?

   Yes, the Bills were my #1 team going into the bidding. I went into bidding thinking that I was ready to spend around $15m on the Bills or a team similar to them because I know an elite in-game QB like Josh Allen can make things significantly easier on VFL QBs and that was a goal of mine with team selection. I was also looking for an elite defense, and the Bills have a top-3 defense in the game. I was a huge fan of the Cowboys (who probably have the best defense in the game IMO) leading up to the draft, but I cooled on Dak quite a lot once I played more with him.

2. Picking up koolaids and outlaw (fixxer) I’m sure were high on your list of things to do, could you give a brief description of your relationship with those players and anyone else on your team you picked up.

I actually got Koolaidz into the VFL waaaaaaaay back in like Season 2 or season 3 of the leaguearena days. We used to play together on the Gamebattles team play ladders back in Madden 12, and Outlaw (or FixXxer) was our QB. We played a ton of seasons back during the LeagueArena days but, to be honest, I didn’t pick Koolaidz up because he is a friend of mine; I picked Koolaidz up because the man knows how to play QB and you need people like that to be successful as an owner in the VFL.

3. With the recent acquisition of blunkey, I would like to know what was your thought process of dropping explikcit for him?

 Well, I had originally planned on picking up a few different QBs in the draft but those guys all ended up way out of my budget. It was looking pretty likely that we were just going to roll with Shady at QB when we decided to take a lottery ticket on an available QB. We ended up picking Explikcit up. Immediately after the draft, Blunkey messaged me and told me that I had made a mistake. At first I thought it was just typical Blunkey smack talk, but he made it clear that he genuinely wanted to be on the team and wanted to improve his game to the point where he could contribute to the team’s success.

4. I said in my interview with blunkey the only issue I see with him is how bad of a teammate I perceive him to be, he’s not a terrible QB. But do you have any plans for his linemates to be able to handle him?

So I tried him out, and he actually played pretty well. He was also very receptive to constructive criticism which reaffirmed to me that he was actually committed to winning. I still have Shady as a backup plan, but I’m cool with seeing if Blunkey can capture a little 3rd line magic for me this season.

5.     I don’t think there’s anything you can do to prepare others for bad teammate blunkey. Nobody is going to be ready for that level of blame game and it’s not fair to others to subject them to it. That’s why I’ve been working with Blunkey on that part of his game. He’s going to be on a short leash when it comes to toxicity, especially towards teammates. I have not hesitated to make roster moves so far, I will not hesitate to make more roster moves looking for the 9 guys that can get this team a ring.

This move is all about wins for me. Blunkey is the only free agent QB available with any VFL experience. He has his issues, but he also went 3-5 last season on a team that finished 6-30. There’s clearly *something* there in Blunkey’s game and I’m willing to take a chance on that, depsite what others in the league may say about it.

6. Doubling up as an AFL and VFL owner do you think this will begin to overwhelm you in the sense of workload?

It might, but so far being a VFL owner has been much less work than being an AFL owner. As a VFL owner, I have 9 guys on my roster who all want to play for me. As an AFL owner, I have between 1-8 guys that may or may not want to play for me. It’s a completely different world and I don’t think there will be much different between my workload this season and last season.

7. Do you have any suggestions for staff to make the league either more exciting or easier on owners? Or both?

Let players sign up as a line. Turn the AFL into a true play-with-friends league. Don’t make me force three people, whom I have never seen play and who have never met, to play together on a line for 16 games a season. Let friends play together in the AFL.

Johnny Wheelin


Johnny wheels is a returning owner who, for some reason, gets very mixed reviews from players in the league. It seems very split about 50% of the people I see trash talking him and then another 50% love him. Personally I like Johnny and think he has potential to be a great owner in this league! His team struggled last season and he seems to have made great moves and learned from mistakes from last season! I wanted to pick his brain a little on his strategy and thoughts on the league!


1. Being a returning owner who didn’t make playoffs last season, and potentially being on the hot seat to be able to return this season, what was your game plan going into bidding?

We wanted a good team that would be QB friendly in the team bidding… we went a little over what we wanted to spend but after the results I feel we did great! For player bidding, Our was get TXJames and his guys, full the roster with guys that we enjoy playing with also are reliable and no drama. I wanted a team with no FF and no requested trades. On top of that I’d like to pile up some wins this year… we got rid or blunk the funk and are ready to roll this season.

2. There’s a lot of talk going around about your teams “incentive program” could you elaborate more on what it is? And who came up with the idea?

The idea was from, Gmen my GM. Once again we wanted to have no requested trades this season and we also wanted to try to attract people to be interested in the team.. once again we wanted no requested trades. So what we offered was a cash incentive to our top line this season… and to anyone drafted and still on the team at the end of the season we will give out some of my band merchandise. If we make the playoffs who knows what we will do but we will have a bonus for our team

3. How do you feel about the league as a whole? Do you think there’s a buddy buddy system in the league? Or in your experience would you say it’s pretty neutral meaning about half are buddy buddy system type of guys and the other half are willing to play with whoever?

The league is overall great… nothing is perfect as we all know but I believe the powers at be are doing a great job trying to balance this and help it grow. Is the league a buddy system? Of course it is, who doesn’t want to to play with their friends that they play with all the time? I get it but at the same time this is a great spot to make new friends and find new good players. It’s definitely hard to get in with some of the cliques.

4. Any advice for newcomers to the league who are looking to attempt to own a team?

Be available everyday,  be active in the group with suggestions and feedback. Take any chance that anyone will give you, VFL or AFL. Play any possible position.

5. Where do see your team ending up this season? Middle pack? Bottom or top?

I hope my team ends up in the playoffs that’s all I want. So I see us middle of the clusterfuck ready to kick ass ♿️

Wide Left Interview

Wide left is a rookie in the league who already seems to be pretty active in the league and trying to make a name for himself! From what I saw in his posts he seems laid back and chill! I wanted to pick his brain a little and get us all an opportunity to get to know him!

1. Being new to the league, what is your first impression of the league so far?

Initially I was almost overwhelmed with everything going on in the discord but in a good way. Love how much detail and thought goes into everything and it seems as if it’s very well structured.

2. How did you hear about the league?

Learned of the league from another guy advertising it in another gaming discord I am a part of.

3. Do you feel like the community will be a good fit for you?

 I’m hoping the community will be a good fit and so far I have nothing but praises for the members and community. Every question I’ve had has been answered by multiple different people within less then a minute or two each time and I’ve felt very welcomed as a whole.

4. For owners potentially looking for a backup plan, what positions do you play? As well as do you have any friends in the league that you play with?

To owners; I’m not a backup plan. I can play any position (other than D Line) and I’m confident and capable of competing at a high level. I also can highly recommend my friends @ultimateviking and @tglass19 to owners looking for competent players and if you can somehow get us 3 together I can guarantee not only success, but also the most unique and fun way of playing madden you may have ever seen.

5. Tell us something about yourself, so we all can get to know you better. (Madden stories, music, interests, whatever comes to mind)

   Gaming and Sports have been my biggest interests and influences my entire life. I have competed for money in multiple games (apex, fortnite, madden) and am currently in college studying sports management with the hopes to land a position in a professional organization. Super excited for this league and the opportunity to compete! Thanks to all who have read this and to userb flawlessfor taking the time to interview me!


  So far he seems to be enjoying the league, this being his first season I’m sure he will be looking to make a splash in the AFL with the hopes of a VFL team recognizing what he and his friends can do and maybe call them up if they begin to struggle on a line! Help me welcome wife left into the league!

HUCCIS Post bidding thoughts Part 1


        The Bengals are a solid squad based around two very good qbs. If they perform well this team can compete. Lucky finished last season posting an 8-4 record with a playoff bid. Many will say Cruce carried him in the playoffs but obviously he played well enough in the season to get there. Regardless of what anyone says 23 TD – 10 INTs is an above average season for a Qb. He played well defensively as well posting 16 INTs to 3 DTDs. Lets move on to the next Qb and a guy that was a fingertip away from saving his teams life in the playoffs, Sacr1fice. I have played Sac a lot and i really think he is a phenomenal qb. Posting a 6W-4L record last season. His subpar 14TD-12INT kind of surprises me. Considering how he played on the field against me multiple times i expected a better stat line when digging into his stats. I know the type of play Sac can deliver but according to the stats he may need to work on consistency. Sac will be the guy i look at most on the Bengals. His performance can propel this team forward. The 3rd Qb UserB has experience at QB but hasn’t really had a great season statistically at QB. Although, posting a 5-2 Record last season is definitely helpful. I don’t think we have seen the best of UserB yet. The other stud on the team, Accountant, recently got traded for RedWater. Accountant and Redwater are basically the same. Both are very good DL and can change the game with one under pressure. I honestly don’t know who won in this trade. Redwater was the best WR statistically last season but he also had the best qb in the VFL, Abyss throwing to him. I guess time will tell who won in this trade. All in all this team is built with a lot of potential. I don’t exactly know what the lines will be the only for sure is Sac, Redhour and Jacc. Which is a very good line. Lucky being a good owner I’m sure he will put his team in the best position. I’ve played with Midnight and he brings great energy to a team and very easy to get along with. As for Beachmode, he hasn’t had the best teams in the past but he is a good player. I like the idea of having a former Qb at RB/WR. It helps when it comes to concepts and seeing the defense. Qbs normally know where the holes are in the coverage based on the immediate post snap movement. In conclusion, Lucky has a decent little squad here to make another run. But it will all hinge on their individual performances, mostly from the QBS. Joe Burrow is not the best thrower in this game. Sure SFL is great but even with that his release is kind of bad. Otherwise the Bengals are stacked enough to beat any team, any day.


               My only question off rip for the Browns management is why didn’t you spend more money? They opened the first day after bidding by making some decent trades. TPBraves the owner is making moves. Will he make a move for a Qb is the question i got to ask. This teams is stacked with a bunch of RB, even at quarterback (Nate). I’m not knocking Nate at all, got a lot of love for the guy but bringing Nate in at QB after he switched from RB to use DeShaun Watson is gonna be tough. That’s a tough ask from anyone. Yeah he knows some solid run schemes but at some point you got to pass. I may be wrong because great clock management can win games and i believe Nate is a smart enough player to make that a factor. Watson is a struggle bus I just hope Nate does well. Lets talk TPBraves, at QB he hasn’t had a great season since he switched from WR. He posted 24TD-15INT but a mere 3-7 record last season. I expect better numbers from TP this season as he continues to learn the QB position. 3-7 Records is kind of a trend with the Browns Qbs. Highwalker posted the same stat line last season. Honestly this may be a genius move. Get the best running team to learn how to play QB. Control the ball and learn your passing offense as you go. I hope they all succeed because we need more Qbs in this league. Lets talk about these trades because they factor in to whether these Qbs succeed. Word around the league is that Tiger is toxic. I heard that well before bidding. So maybe they bid on him as trade bait. Boy did they bait someone by getting my favorite WR in the league, T1 Anime. SB Champ T1 Anime. The self proclaimed “best distraction in the league”. Anime posted numbers last season earning him the 3rd most receiving yards and 3rd most TDs in the league. Factor the 12 Sacks he had and 28 TFL this was a good trade for the browns to shake the toxicity from the locker room early. Anime is a great teammate. The second trade, Redwater and Death for BLK and Behe makes sense to me. BLK being a quarterback who acts like a running back worked for awhile but i honestly feel BLK at running back with Chubb is scary. He as well is a great teammate and a SZN 7 SB Champ right along with Anime. Up next is Woohdy (who is also a SZN 7 SB Champ) Woohdy is in my opinion the best running back in the VFL. I’ve seen no one better since being in this league. The only downside to woohdy is the baby fits he throws and the negativity he brings when the team is down on the scoreboard. If whoever he plays with can tame that, they have a star on their hands. Then there is Ibprofam who is amongst the top running backs statistically his last two seasons. With over 1500 yards and 20 TDS in his last two seasons combined he is gonna put Chubb to work. The browns did something great when getting the running backs they did. Chubb is gonna be a problem. Last but not least we got the legend, Kuhrow. Why not pair one of the best pass rushers in league history with Myles Garrett? I honestly hated playing Kuhrow with Aaron Donald a couple seasons back. The problem is that was in 22 which i hear DL wise was a different game. Kuhrow has taken a few seasons off. Will he be as dominant as he once was? Time will tell. All in all this team looks great if you like running backs and pass rushers. I do question the motive to leave so much money on the table. Why not splurge? You cant take it with you. I don’t get that portion. Braves is a good dude so i hope his team does well. I’m hopeful that Nate has a stud type season and proves me wrong. This team is built. Built with running the ball in mind. Which is gonna suck for the league because not a lot of people have run defense.


Being a new comer to the league can be a very intimidating and nerve racking experience. Also, at times, not very welcoming. I’ve noticed pork has been extremely active in the chat and played in Thursdays showcase! I wanted to catch up with him and get to know him a little better!

  • 1. Being a new player in the league, what we’re your initial thoughts about the discord when you popped in here?
    Well I learned about this league from the discord where Xbehe posted about it and I found my way in here. When I first got in here I was super intrigued with everything. I had never run trios even though I have played madden for 5-6 years. At first I thought it was just a cool thing some people were trying to start but as I started reading and looking. This is a legit league, with legit people, who are making legit decisions. That made me invested instantly
  • 2. How did you hear about the league? And based off first impressions do you think the community is a good fit for you?
    As I said last question, xbehe posted about it in the discord and I just decided to take a look. As soon as I came in multiple owners and governors were welcoming and supportive. They showed me around and helped explain. I got to give a good shoutout to Johnnywheels, he was the first guy to let me in a game and really just appreciated his character and vibe. Helped me meet a lot of the guys too.
  • 3. You played in the showcase and maybe it wasn’t your best performances, do you believe this contributed to you not having a bid? If so do you plan on taking the AFL by storm? Essentially showing everyone what they missed out on?
    Yah without a doubt it contributed. I mean I am the new buck, young guy who nobody knows. I knew that going into showcase as a QB was a risk. But high risk high reward. Now I have a chip on my shoulder. I think after the first game which I made some bad reads and had some nerves I settled in. Ever since then I have put up solid stat lines with Justin Herbert, Josh Allen, and most notably Tom Brady against lucky. I have been in the lab and definitely plan to prove a point in the afl, I think quickly people will try and throw me in a line and see if I can help a team out. The league will learn soon.
  • 4. For the owners looking for potential backup plans, what positions do YOU feel you’re best at?
    Well offensively you can put me in anywhere. I think once I develop more at RB or WR I will have some more value but that’s not the focus. I joined as a QB, plan to join a team as a QB. Defensively, I am a DL/LB guy. In a DL tryout with lucky I had 2.5 sacks with Trey Hendrickson and play DL irl, so I think I just have a deeper understanding for the position. LB, I had a user pick 6 in the showcase and know how to float in the middle pick up certain routes when I need to
  • 5. Last but not least tell us a little something about yourself. (Sense of humor maybe favorite madden memory how long you’ve played madden ETC ETC)
    Well I have played madden since I was little, my dad never took it easy on me and would stomp me every time. But it made me want to work on my craft, now I whoop him every time we play. Being only 17 I’m young, I want to learn, I want to help, I want to win. At the end of the day this game is about fun, but this league is about winning a championship. I think I can help a team not only on the field, but also off the field and just bring a smile to some peoples faces, that’s the goal at the end of the day.
    Honestly pork seems like a real chill individual help me welcome one of our newest members! And wish him the best of luck in his ritual career!
    I expect big things out of him!

 Blunkster interview

I know everyone hates on blunkey, but to be honest, he’s not a bad QB and I saw a few questionable people being taken over him. In my personal opinion he can be a very bad teammate at times but he is not bad at QB. So I decided to catch up with him and ask him a few questions. Enjoy

1. Not being picked up in a ten team season, how does that make you feel? And what do you plan to do to prove you’re capable of being on a squad?

Not being bided on this VFL season is a new experience for me personally. I pretty much had a roster spot on a team every season since I first entered the league in season 4, and when I noticed I wasn’t gonna be bided on this season I was disappointed in a lot of those owners because in the past I had some of those guys back and I even gave some of those guys roster spots last season when I was in management position and they were looking for a home. This is one of those experiences I needed to experience so I can really know who’s there for me and who’s not so I’m grateful that I was put in a position like this but now I’m just looking forward to working my way on to a team and when I get my chance we not letting up the gas.

2. Would you be willing to play something other than QB if a team was willing to call you up?

I got a couple of people telling me to switch positions but I would never switch. I can’t trust no one else to lead a team like I’m capable of doing . I know if coach need me to make a play ima be the one to make a play if no one else is

3. I’ve personally played a few games with you and you’re honestly a decent enough QB my biggest complaint is the way you talk to people, do you plan on changing that at all? Or just staying the same way?

A lot of people view me as a disrespectful person but really I only talk to a handful of people in a disrespectful tone cause that’s the type of relationship we have with one an other. But when it comes to my actual VFL teammates that I had the pleasure of sharing the field with they know the real me

4. What team would you want to play on the most VFL wise?

I’m open to play for any team that gives me the opportunity to play for them I’m just looking to showcase my abilities. They say the hungriest dogs run the fastest, well I’m starving for this  and I’m tryna come out here and ball.

5. Do you think you still have a shot at winning MVP this season?

I’m not worried to much about the MVP award I know if I ball at the level I know I’m capable I’ll get what I deserve.

I know everyone gives blunkey a hard time but I think he deserves a spot on a team so any owner out there that has a QB that is struggling or maybe someone retires, this interview is a good indicator that he is hungry to show what he can do.