Author: Realest 260

Night 1 Recap

First night of the VFL was very interesting as a guy who isn’t taking place in the games.


Packers – I would have to say Packers were the shock of night 1 going 2-1 would be my biggest shocker moment. If you ask them I would bet they thought this would happen but lets be real nobody else did. Trini Ron picked up a win over the Browns and Smitty and Fig pulled off a close win vs Dolphins. Can GB keep this up or was it lighting striking twice in one day?

Browns – Browns owner TP had a good first night leading the Browns to a 2-1 record with wins over the Bengals and Bills. Browns running back Woohdy V2 accounted for over 475 yards and 4 touchdowns in 2 games for the Browns. Browns QB Highwalker suffered the only loss for the Browns on the night with a 1-7 passing games with only 17 passing yards vs Green Bay. 2-1 is a good night for the Browns

Chiefs – To nobody surprise the Chiefs go 3-0 on the night with Champ dominating the Packers and Chargers in his 2 games along with Hexi winning a tough fought game 17-7 over the AP Boys in Dallas. Can’t say I’m to shocked with the Chiefs dominating night 1 while facing 3 teams who were predicted to struggle this season. Im ready to see what the Chiefs line 3 has to offer.

Cowboys – Also a shock on the night was Cowboys starting off 2-1 with a big upset win over Ebok and the Eagles. AP line showed up a won a game in overtime 29-28 with a 2 point conversion to win the game. Also the Cowboys picked up a win over the struggling Dolphins in night one who seem to be the league worst team after night one.

Eagles – Eagles started off the night 0-1 with a tough loss to the Cowboys. Ebok really struggled in game with throwing 4 interception putting his team in a hole early. They came back and took the game to overtime but just couldn’t get the big stop when needed. Then Ebok bounced back with a win over the Chargers which they controlled the game they whole time. The line of Hucci , Tmo , Ugongetthiswork dominated on the night going 2-0 with wins over Bengals and Bucs, Ugongetthiswork once again making his early case for MVP dominating on both sides of the ball.

Bucs – Bucs only played 2 games on the night going 1-1. Brady really put a beatdown on the Bengals with a commanding 37-7 victory. But then Abyss really struggled against Eagles losing 27-7. A game that was close before the half turned upside down by a late half interception thrown by Abyss and the Bucs just couldn’t seem to recover. From a early look Brady and Beaste will need to do the heavy lifting this season for the Bucs.

Chargers – It was a rough night for the Chargers starting the season off 0-2. I know it gotta be tough for Bwall stepping in on short notice for the Chargers due to Chargers former GM quitting the league a few days before the season kicked off. Good news for the Chargers is the 23.5 million dollar man TexasJamesSmith hasn’t stepped on the field yet.

Dolphins – Man was it rough for the Dolphins. They just couldn’t seem to generate any type of offense tonight only scoring a total of 25 points in 3 games. I was afraid this could happen with Tua at the helm. Dolphins are gonna have to get more creative on offense because 25 points in 3 games just isn’t going to get the job done. Still waiting to see what Cruce and Verts have to offer.

Bengals – 0-4 on night one LOL LOL LOL.  Mr Top 5 himself started of the season 0-2 with losses to Blunkey and Hucci, As a matter of fact every line on the Bengals lost a game in night 1. I was concerned after the bidding looking at Lucky roster because I just didn’t see it. This is usual where Lucky looks to trade 4 to 5 guys from the team looking to improve his roster which in the past has worked out well for him.

Bills – 1 name is all I gotta say.. Blunkey , Blunkey , Blunkey. In the VFL Blunkey is probably the leagues punching bag. He talks the most , losses the most , and is the blunt of the joke on most occasions in the discord. But in night 1 Blunkey went 2-1 with wins over the Dolphins and Bengals. Have to say I got a great laugh out of watching Blunkey beat Lucky. I don’t think Lucky should be able to speak for the next week.


Also a big shout out to some up and coming stars in the league. Tglass QB/LB , Wideleft RB/DB ,Trey demonz WR/DL 3 guys who dominated in the AFL. In one game Tglass threw for 400 yards and 5 touchdowns. If your looking to call up some guys for next week I think this is the line your looking at!


Post Bidding Roster Grades and Rankings

Let me start this off by saying I think alot of you guys did a awful job building a roster. For anyone who knows me I dont pull any punches and I will always be straight forward with my opinion. If you don’t like it prove me wrong or go cry.

10) Packers – I’m gonna say this with the upmost respect , what in the world is this? I’m very confused on how you spend double the amount on your team then you spend on your actually roster. We give owners 40 million in cap space to use and this team has 16.5 million left to use. I see some names on this roster who are players you want on a roster with Dfeet and Ugongetthiswork. Outside of that this roster lacks alot in my opinion. I could see some trade request in the near future coming from this roster. Even with the Packers this is a roster I see struggling for a majority of the season , hopefully I’m wrong but right now this is what I seeing with this roster. My letter grade for this team is a (  D- )

9) Cowboys – 1 million spent on the team , 13 million spent on the roster and still 26 million cap….. This team could have literally had any player in the league they wanted with this amount of cap remaining. I like that the Cowboys picked up the AP line because I believe they are a good 3 line in the VFL. I think the AP line is capable of winning you at least 5 games in a regular season and will always show up. 9 million on Drock???????????? I think this roster could have been put together a little bit better. Maybe instead of Drock and Doc Holiday you could have gotten Abyss and Redwater as a duo. The cap is was there to do it but just didn’t do it. Mr Ohio is a vet in the league and has been a owner multiple times so I expected better.     My letter grade for this team is a ( F )

8) Browns – I’m a little shocked because I thought with 39 million in cap space heading into the bidding the Browns roster would look a lot better. Looking at this roster I just see alot of names but not alot of people who are gonna mesh. This bidding hasn’t even been over for 24 hours and 3 new players have already arrived in Cleveland which tells me they already had trouble early. The most known player on the roster is Kuhrow who is making his return to the VFL after missing 2 seasons. Im confused on why your highest paid player won’t even be a big threat on the offensive side of the ball because he is a WR. I see alot wrong with this roster and after seeing multiple trades before the season has even kicked off I expect more trades to come in the near future. My letter grade for this season is a ( D+ )

7) Bengals – I have no idea what to think of this roster to be honest. As I was making this article Bengals traded Accountant for Redwater which I think was a mistake due to the fact that Accountant is capable of calling defense and Redwater doesn’t really like doing it. As I stated man time I think Lucky was blessed last season with guys like Hexi , Cruce and Boxing who were all 500k player who all feel into his lap. Now all of these guys are management or worth a large salary that Lucky couldn’t afford due to spending 15.5 on the Bengals. Sac hasn’t had much success in the VFL outside of using Aaron Rodgers. I dont really see a clear line one on this team which I think is needed to have a chance to compete for a Superbowl. My letter grade for this team is      a    ( D+ )

6) Chargers – When Johnny picked the Chargers I was happy for him at first. Johnny last season had lots of trouble getting guys to stay on the roster with trade demands left and right. This season Johnny finally went out and got a top tier QB in last season MVP James. Johnny also went out and got James players he was comfortable playing with in Rouge and Apple Danish. This line got 11 wins last season I don’t see why they can’t go at least 9-3 or 8-4 this upcoming season. My concern with the Chargers is the rest of the roster. The other 4 guys drafted Im not really to familiar with as far as names go. Johnny going out a grabbing a top QB along with having the Chargers I have him at number 6. My letter grade for this team is a ( C+ ) 

5) Bills – Bills were one of two teams who didn’t have a QB headed into the bidding and they paid 19.5 million for one. As I said Koolaidz to me is the knock off version of Ponchy , Doesn’t need good users to fit his scheme and makes due without. Im not very sure about the other 2 QBs they drafted but I heard good things about Explikcit so im sure Mallard feels he stole a solid QB. Datboykarma is a underrated player who is a VFL vet from years ago. They do have Call mee Kyle who seems to be the VFLs good luck charm this Madden however I’m gonna be honest hes more of a team mascot. Shady is easily the best player on this roster due to his ability to be able to call defense , be a QB and also easily one of the league most talent running backs. At some point I think it will be best for Shady to step in at QB to help improve the team. Bills in my opinion are the best Madden team and you can just if your a LB or DB you can just put the controller down and that defense will get the job done. My letter grade for this team is a ( C+ )

4) Dolphins – Now when Bhedden went out and got Cruce as a GM I was like wow this is a good start. Then I was really worried because he only spent 1 mil on his team with a QB who play alot of mut where the QBs having the good passing abilities so I was a little off of this team headed into the bidding. Then I seen he got alot of players I added onto my bid em up list. Also this team just traded for Da Account via trade today but Accountant is already rumored to be trying to force his way onto the Chiefs roster. I think Boxing and Verts were good pick up for this Dolphins team. Boxing was one of the best DCs in the league last season bring the Spinner , DB Fire meta from Mut into our league cause lots of fits for QBs. Verts is rumored to be a good solid QB also coming from the mut scene with a new style of offense the league hasn’t seen yet. Also lets no sleep on the Dolphins getting F34r who was top 3 in MVP talks just last season. My only concern is Tua… Will he hold this roster back or will he be able to get the job done. My letter grade for this team is a ( B+ )

3) Bucs – I would say without a question Beaste has the best QB room in the VFL. He was already off to a great start adding IR Brady as a GM but then he took it a step further by going right out and dropping 21 mil on Abyss. I dont think anyone will be able to say heading into the season they have 3 QBs to matchup vs against this Bucs team. However after you see the top 3 QBs the rest of this roster isn’t much to desire. Beaste has a line with 2 people he is comfortable with in Clutchking and his brother BeefyChubb. Brady and Abyss are gonna be playing with some guys they might not have the most chemistry with. I think because this team has the Bucs they will be fine in the regular season but when it comes to the playoffs I might be a little worried. I expect this team to be in alot of shootout because I dont see a DC on this roster which also really concerns me. My letter grade for this team is a ( C+ )

2) Chiefs – Chiefs were already looking strong headed into the bidding with owner Champ and GM Hexi looking like a possible power duo. I know Hexi was very happy after the bidding getting his ” Mut Boy ” Dexi GL. Also per usual Champ brought back his DC Farah en Fuego who he has played with every season. I also like that Champ brought in WRNZO to play with Hexi again because WRNZO was dominate in the running game last season. I guess my big question mark for the Chiefs will be line 3. When you spend lots of money on a top tier team your gonna take a shit somewhere and I think that is line 3. Regardless this team will be a regular season powerhouse for sure. My letter grade for this team is a ( B+ )

1) Eagles – Ebok I believe on paper has the most complete roster after the bidding. With 39 mil in cap headed into the bidding I already seen what Ebok had cooking for the most part. I know this season he really wanted to make sure he surrounded Hucci with good talent and he did that by getting him Tmo and North. These are 2 guys who are VFL vets and both have been winners in this league. Also I knew Ebok would go out and get Gabe to come back and play on his line because that is someone he is very comfortable playing with. My question mark with this team is what the 3rd line will look like. Bressus is making his return to QB which I think might be best for him because his ability to be a running back was at a all time low. Somehow this kid continues to find his way back onto Ebok roster. I think Brisket could be the bright spot on the 3rd line and help them in the long run. My letter grade for this team is a ( A- )

Realest Bid Em Up List!

This is a list of good players in the league who usually go for a value lower then they should or are new guys trying to sneak around playing for certain teams! List will be going by there offensive positions!



1) TexasJamesSmith- Its not that James is sneaky but he is the season 7 MVP , I cant recall a time James has gone into the bidding so I think he could be valued as the highest prospect coming off his MVP season. I would easily look at spending 15 million on James in the bidding.

2) D1 Verts – This is a mut squads QB. I haven’t heard much about him outside of some intel I received from players around the league. I would probably pay 10+ million on this guy because as you seen i recent events guys like Hexied and Cruce came in front the mut scene and helped led the Packers to the SB. Can’t allow these type of guys to skate under the radar going for 500k.

3) BLKSUP3RSA1YAN – Blk is has played in both superbowls in this Madden. Now while I would have Blk high on my list he doesn’t have some limitations at QB that owners should know about. If you getting blk and expecting him to play on a non mobile QB you are setting him up for failure. Blk is a guy who needs a mobile QB to really get the most out of his scheme which makes him effective. I would easily spend 8 mil on Blk but you better have a QB with some speed.

4) DtM x KoolAiDz – Koolaidz is a vet but he struggled some last season. I would label Koolaids as the super knockoff Ponchy. Really just a guy who only wants to throw to his CPU routes and the users are pretty much non factor. Koolaids is probably in the same price range I would pay for Blk. Anywhere from 8-10 million seems about right.

5) Kxng x – This is a guy who is known to play on teams with Chiefs owner champ. Not gonna lie he signed up a QB and I’ve never seen him play QB which gives me trying to sneak around vibes. I would spend 1-2 mil on him just to drive his price up.

6) Userb flawless – Camaro is one of the most underrated QB in the league. I think he very capable of being a solid line 2 QB and a great line 3 QB. In scrim games he loves to joke around alot which could led people to think hes bad but Ive played against him enough to know hes a pretty solid QB. Easily worth 4 to 6 million in the bidding.



1) Ungluedtiger360 – Tiger has been up there for the leads leading rushers for the past few seasons. I think he has a bit of a ego issue but he does put up the numbers. I would spend 5 mil on him

2) WoohdyV2 – Woohdy is always the guy nobody drafts but when he gets a shot he always puts up the numbers. This guy also made some big plays at DB in the superbowl this past season. Like Tiger I think Woohdy is a 5 mil player.

3) WRNZO – Dont know much about RNZO as a person but I know for a while his yards per carry were insane for sometime last season. I also think he was underrated on the DL last season as well. I would go at least 4 mil on this guy in the bidding.

4) WB MVP – Everyone remembers the WB crew from last madden. Im not sure what WB guy it is but I know he plays some mut squads which makes him very aware of the meta of the game. I would throw at least 3 to 4 mil on him I would also message him to see if hes capable of being a DC this season. Could be a steal pickup.

5) AppleDanish – known to play with James Smith. If your going for James Smith this is his RB who I would look to pair with James. Anywhere from 2-4 mil would be the price.

6 ) Northsidez – Now in the past North has been a beast , however this Madden he just doesn’t seem to be as good as he has been in the past. Still a OG in the VFL who I would spend 6 to 8 mil on.



1) SBG Boxing  – This was Hexi DC from last season. One thing I noticed about him was his ability to make quick adjustments defensively which very few are capable of. Also he knows how to get open vs man coverage which is a very important skill set. Going into the bidding I would have him ranked as the #1 DC. This is a guy I would spend 12 to 15 million on.

2) Farah En Fuego – Farah usually comes up with some of the leagues best defensive gameplan on a game to game basis. He studies alot of film and will always have his line prepared going into a game. I also think he is a underrated WR. I would spend anywhere from 13-15 million on him. He is a league vet which goes along way when you can add a vet to a roster looking to compete.

3) ljthegoat23 – This might be most interesting player in the whole bidding. I dont know much about him outside of him being ranked #3 on the mut squads leaderboard. Being ranked that high means you put alot of time into the game which means he has to have a good amount of knowledge for the game. I would message this guy asap and look to make him a DC this upcoming season. I would spend at least 8 million on this guy and maybe then more.

4) Rouge Apollo – Known to play with James Smith. I would add him to a line with James Smith and Danish where they went 11-1 last season which was the leagues top line. 4 to 6 million easily.


Owner Team Bidding Rankings by Realest260

This ranking is my opinion on how owners did in the team bidding.


1) JohnnyWheels ( Chargers 12.5 Million )  – I think Johnny did the best job in the season 8 team bidding. In my opinion the Chargers are the 2nd best team in Madden after the roster reset. Johnny easily stole the show by only spending 12.5 million the Chargers while 5 other madden teams went for more. Johnny struck gold early in the team bidding and walked away with one of the best teams on the game. In the past Johnny has struggled to keep some of the leagues ” top players ” on his roster. I’m wondering if him having the Chargers will changed people opinion of Johnny this upcoming season. Best of luck buddy.


2) Mallard ( Bills 15 Million ) – Very simple Mallard got the best team on Madden. Josh Allen is a top 3 QB on Madden when it comes to abilities, size, speed and throw power. Not only that but Buffalo easily has the best defense on Madden. Bills defense has to be every defensive coordinators dream which is to play with a team with abilities everywhere in the secondary. If the Bills don’t have the fewest team points allowed this season everyone on the team should consider not playing again! Great pick by Mallard.


3 ) Ebok ( Eagles 1 Million ) – I was waiting for someone to throw 1 mil on the Eagles because they are worth it.  Eagles are fast on both sides of the ball and are very well rounded. Hurts may not have good passing abilities but he is a great runner with the fast break where you can really do some things in the running game. They have a very good WR core with a solid running back and a strong offensive line. On the defensive side they have at least 6 guys who you can rotate on the defensive line ill also have some DB’s with speed led by Darius ” Big Play ” Slay. Ebok fresh off a Super Bowl will be able to have 39 million in cap space headed into the player bidding.


4) Champ ( Chiefs 16 Million ) – This made a lot of scene for Champ to spend a lot of money on the a team like KC. I feel as if the Chiefs have the toughest offense to go against in Madden. It all starts with Mahomes and Kelce just like you watch every Sunday. Mahomes unlike last Madden is easily a top 5 QB on Madden with good passing abilities and a rocket arm. Kelce might be the Madden swiss arm knife when it comes to being all around player. You can leave him lined up at TE but you can also split him out at WR where he can cause a lot of issues when it comes to a size matchup. Then you throwing MVS , Mecole Hardman , Toney and your got yourself a Nightmare on Elm Street. Chiefs defense is pretty mid outside of Chris Jones but who needs defense when you got that offense.


5) Smitty ( Packers 16 Million ) – I loved Smitty going out and putting up the big bucks for a team like Green Bay. Aaron Rodgers is the 2nd best QB on Madden which make them so appealing. Packers are just very balanced every on both sides of the ball. I think it was very important for Smitty to go out there and get one of the best teams Madden has to offer.


6) Beaste ( Bucs 16 Million ) – I think this was a slight reach for the Bucs when the Chargers went for 12.5 million and the Chargers are a better Madden team. One thing I can say for sure is Tom Brady is the best Madden quarterback. Set feet lead , fearless and hot route master is a QBs dream come true. Then you throw in the likes of Mike Evans , Chris Godwin , Julio Jones which cause a lot of issues. With the reset it does help the Bucs defensively but offensive they have lost 2 of their top offensive lineman because of a glitch in superstar KO. For Beaste he will be praying for some help from EA hoping to get those players back. I would put Beaste a spot lower but they have Tom Brady.


7) TP Braves ( Browns 1 Million ) – 2 words… Nick Chubb , that’s all the really needs to be said. Nick Chubb caused a lot of fits around the league last season and I don’t see much of that changing headed into season 8. I don’t think it’s very important that they spend money on the running back position this season in the bidding but they have the cap to do so. Browns cause issues in Madden because they can take the clock with the running game and have Myles Garrett who might be the best pass rusher on Madden which can really limit the other teams offense with a short amount of time to score. If you’re a top RB in the bidding you should be getting in touch with the Browns management looking for a tryout.


8) Lucky ( Bengals 15.5 Million ) – Bengals are the worst best team on Madden if you know what I mean. Joe Burrow has most of the good passing abilities so it makes the team a big threat, They do have JaMarr Chase and Tee Higgins along with Joe Mixon in the backfield which gives them ton of talent on the offensive side of the ball but the defense to me is just mid. They have one good pass rusher but no abilities and Jessie Bates but thats it defensively. If you’re gonna spend 15.5 million on the Bengals you might as well have went for Chargers , Bills , Packers , Bucs.


9) Mr Ohio ( Cowboys 1 Million ) – Cowboys are just a super mid team to me. Dak stinks , WR play makers aren’t the best , defense is a better version of the Bengals. Diggs is really good and so is Parsons. But the Dak is just makes their offense very limited. If don’t have a passing abilities you need to be good running abilities or you need to be fast like Justin Fields. I would have spent 1.5 million on the Ravens or just went with 49ers who are a more well rounded team.


10) BHedden ( Dolphins 1 Million ) – Dolphins to me are like Dallas but with speed everywhere. I think Dallas is a better choice than the Dolphins due to Dak having better throw power than Tua and Dallas being better defensively. Much like Mr Ohio I think Bhedden should have just spent 1.5 million on Ravens or spent 1 million on the 49ers who are simply a more well rounded team than the Dolphins.

Hitters & Sh*tters Part 3

Part 3 of Hitters and Sh*tters is here.  Let’s take a dive into who were the leagues Hitters & Sh*tters!



1) – WB OmnixGod – Now just a week ago Omni was on my list as a shitters. The next week the guy totally flips the script from going 0-3 to going 3-0. In week 3 Omni had wins over AceBoogs , Dirty Falcons , Blunkey. Throwing 6 touchdowns with over 450 passing yards on the week. Omni has the potential to be one of the leagues best QBs and in week 3 he showed his potential.

2) – Hucci – Hucci probably had the best overall week 3 out of any players. Hucci had a 3-0 record in week 3 while also throwing for over 600 yards with 11 touchdown and 0 interceptions. Hucci like Omni is a guy who has lots of potential with a lot of experience in the mut scene. When guys like Hucci tap into there potential it can be hell for the competition.

3) – Abyss – Abyss making the list once again with another great week. Another QB who had a 3-0 week after making a trade that seemed to make things better. Throwing for over 800 yards and 9 touchdowns I think Abyss has really put himself in the MVP conversation with JamesSmith and F34R Painkiller.

4) KWAM34MVP – Week 1 this guy was on my shitter list , now he has made a way onto the Hitters list for good reason. KWAM3 was traded away from Tampa and seems to have found himself in a good situation in Cincy. When he was traded I thought it could be good for him because he wouldn’t be forced into being a defensive coordinator where I felt he really struggled. Not only did KWAM3 go 3-0 but he did it while also remaining a signal caller on the defensive side. KWAM3 had wins over AceBoogs , Dirty Falcons , Blunkey. Were Abyss and Redwater holding KWAM3 back??????

5) – WoohdyV2 – Woohdy is always a player who everyone knows is talented but struggles to make or stay on a roster for a complete season. Woohdy found his way on the Chiefs in week 3 a left his mark. Woohdy was the 2nd leading rusher in week 3 with over 430 rushing yards with possibly the worst running back the league has to offer. Woohdy accounted for 7 touchdowns in week 3 for the Chiefs and helped his line go 3-0 on the week. Woohdy is also known as a RB/DL but also stepped in at DB and had 6 interceptions on the week.

6) -ll Redwater ll – Redwater has been having a great season and I think is flying under the radar. In week 3 Red lead the league in receiving yards with over 750 yards and 9 receiving touchdowns. Redwater is also known as linebacker but this season he made the switch to DL and the transition seems to be working out well. Red had 14 TFLs and 4 sacks on the week while helping lead his line to a 3-0 record in week 3. Right now Red seems to have WROTY locked up!!




1) – MeowGrof – Grof really struggled in week 3 going 0-3. Not only did he struggle winning but he put up the worst QB numbers in week 3. With only 1 touchdown pass and 5 interceptions with a horrible 30% completion percentage it safe to safe MeowGrof was a shitter in week 3.

2) – Eagles Roster – Eagles really struggled in week 3 as a team so as a team they have to be called out. Eagles went 1-8 in week 3 and the only 3 people who got a win were Blunkey , Zabriel and Bloodypstain over the Bills. This team seems to have been on a roller coaster all season long. They have had some talent on the roster but it never stays. They had Natecashmoney , Shady on Xbox and Hutch to start the season but were all 3 traded , they also had Tmo on the roster for a week but he was then traded shortly after. Whenever this roster seems to have some talent they can’t keep them happy and or keep them on the roster. However even with the struggles they get guys to show up and play every night.


Sorry for the short article couldn’t find very many shitters this week!

Hitters & Shitters Part 2

Part 2 of Hitters and Shitters is here. It will be a slightly different then last week but not much different.




1) – TxJamesSmithTx – TxJamesSmith put together another great week just like week 1. 3-0 for the second week in a row with a 6-0 record in season 2. If James can keep this up for another 2 weeks he will be right in the thick of things in the MVP race. Over 600 passing yards and 10 touchdown passes James was surely a hitter in week 2.

2) – F34R Painkiller – F34R finds himself back on this list back to back weeks. F34R so far has to be the front runner for MVP. His dominance on both sides of the ball says it all with a season record of 5-1. F34R numbers took a hit from compared to week 1 but the numbers are still there. Over 450 rushing yards and 9 sacks on the week still has him leading the league in both rushing yards and sacks within the league.

3) – AbyssZl – Abyss had himself a week like we are used to seeing in Madden 22. Abyss racked up over 1,000 passing yards and threw 11 touchdowns in week 2. Abyss is the only VFL 2x MVP and he is getting back to the dominance we are all used to and except.

4) – Hxied – The new kid on the block and he made sure the block was hot in week 2. This guy wasn’t even on a roster in week 1 and instantly comes in and makes a impact for the Packers. Going 3-0 in week 2 with great numbers on both sides of the ball. In the league chat he ideally said he put a end to the Minster of Defense ( Tmo ). Im excited to see if he will keep this up for the remainder of the season. Rumor has it he has called out the Chargers this week and hes ready to put the league on notice.

5) – TPBraves – Bengals owner TPBraves  at the beginning of the season said the only competition was the Bucs and he was looking to make a superbowl run. TPBraves put up some impressive numbers in week 2 with a 2-1 record. Throwing for over 750 passing yards with 8 touchdown passes and 1 interception is good for this being his first time playing Quarterback. Looking for him to keep these numbers up in week 3.

6) – IRxBrady – Brady is known for being one of the leagues best Quarterback for the past 6 seasons , however he has stepped away and showing everyone not only is he a good QB but he can also play a little running back as well. Brady led the league in rushing week 2 with over 660 rushing yards while averaging 12.3 yards per carry.

7) – LuckyyDabs – Luckyy for some time now has claimed nobody in the league ever gives him any credit and he proclaims himself as ( Top 5 ). Luckyy had a week that not even I expected he could put together. Lucky was 11 yards short of passing for 800 yards in week 2 and also had 10 touchdown passes in light of his GM stepping down and had to make some roster changes to keep his team afloat.




1) – WB OmnixGod – OmnixGod is a surprise to me that he made my shitter list on the week. I looked and saw he was 0-3 on the week and Im very shocked Omni would allow himself to go 0-3 in a week. Omni was cut from the Packers last week and I didnt know why. Omni was just a superbowl winning Quarterback about a month ago and now hes been cut and went 0-3 on his new team. Do better Omni because we expect better from you!

2) – Warpath – Warpath is either hot or cold and this week he found himself in freezing water. Going 1-2 on the week with a very low completion percentage with only 1 touchdown pass and 5 interceptions Warpath had to make my shitter list. Im expecting a bounce back week from Warpath in week 3.

3) – JusttSmoove – Another former Packer who found himself traded. It is very unlike JusttSmoove to have a week with only 6 carries and 23 rushing yards with 0 defensive stats. Smoove is usually one of the league best running back and he just had a huge drop off in product. Im expecting a bounce back from Smoove in week 3.

4) – DTM Koolaidz , Ungluetiger , Tmo – Like week 1 I picked a line that was very underwhelming and this line fit the bill. This is a line that was expected to be one of the leagues best and the managed to put together a 0-3 week. There week was so bad as a line all 3 of the QBs they faced this week made my hitters list this week. As I said in week 1 the line of Hutch , Goodfella and KingxJon had to be broken up. Before I could even get this out TMO has already been shipped off to Philly and Nate will fill in for TMO in Tampa. Will this line improve or remain a struggle bus?





Wanted to give a shout out to our guys in the AFL doing a wonderful job. We have 4 people running a AFL team currently and we will be looking to expand that in the upcoming seasons. AFL is very important to our league and we can’t grow as a league without them. Shout out to these few guys helping out and balling in the AFL. UserBFlawless , WTB Buckets , Bhedden , SixthMallard , n8 nice , Blunkey , da champ owns and many more!


VFL Week 1 By The Numbers

I’m making a list of the top 10 players who are responsible for the most points in week 1. It will be a combination of total touchdowns on both sides of the ball plus field goals made. Also on thing the league doesn’t really do is give enough credit to our defensive coordinators. I will have a list of the top 5 defensive coordinators in the first week. Those will be list by points per game allowed. If the opposing team got a defensive touchdown those points will not count towards the Defensive Coordinator.


Total Points Scored


1) – Eboktsop – ( 79 points ) Ebok is the leagues leading score , he is responsible for 79 of his team points. Ebok has 9 passing touchdowns , 1 rushing touchdown and has made 3 field goals in week 1.

2) – BLKSUP3RSA1YAN – ( 65 points ) BLKSUP3RSA1YAN is the leagues 2nd leading scorer with 65 points. 7 passing touchdowns , 1 rushing touchdowns and has made 3 field goals in week 1.

3) – KingxChamp – ( 59 points ) KingxChamp is the league 3rd leading scorer with 59 points. 7 touchdown passes , 1 defensive touchdown and 1 field goals in week 1.

4) – AbyssZL – ( 55 points ) Abyss is the league 4th leading scorer with 55 points. 7 touchdown passes and 2 field goals in week 1.

5) – T1Anime – ( 54 points ) T1Anime the first non Quarterback on the list has a total of 54 points in week 1. 9 receiving touchdowns.

6) – Ace Boogs & TP Braves – ( 49 points ) Both of these guys had 6 touchdown passes and 1 rushing touchdowns in week 1.

7) -TxJamesSmith , Gabe ILy  , Midnightyork – ( 48 points ) – All 3 of these guys scored a total of 48 points in week 1.

8)- F34R Painkiller , IR Brady , HuskyNuts , Redwater , FarahEnFuego – ( 42 points ) All 5 of these guys scored a total of 42 points in week 1.

9) – xxHucci – ( 41 points ) Hucci scored a total of 41 points in week 1. 5 passing touchdowns and 2 field goals

10) – R0GUEAPOLLO – ( 36 points ) R0GUE scored a total of 36 points in week 1. 6 Receiving touchdowns



Defensive Coordinators


1) – Th3 R3al3st 260 – ( 9.6 points per game ) Currently R3al3st is allowing the fewest points per game with only 9.6 on average. This defense also has a total of 4 sacks and 4 interceptions. Along with R3al3st the players on this line Gabe ILy , BLKSUP3RSA1YAN are the league top defensive unit in week 1.

2) – Route Tech Tmo – ( 12.6 points per game ) Tmo is consistently known for being one of the leagues best as a defensive coordinator. Tmo is only allowing 12.6 points per game on the defensive side of the ball. Along with DTM Koolaidz , Ungluedtiger and one game from a ecu Smash6090 this defensive is currently top 2 in the VFL.

3) – FarahEnFuego – ( 13 points per game ) Farah is allowing only 13 points per game which is 3rd fewest in the league. Along with KingxChamp and DaAccountant this defense has 4 sacks and 5 interceptions on the season.

4) – Vermont AP – ( 13.6  points per game ) Vermont probably a surprise on this list is only allowing 13.6 points per game. Along with Vermont , Swift and Utah ( The AP boys ) are allowing a 4th league low in only 13.6 points per game.

5) – SixthMallard940 – ( 14 points per game ) It makes since that Mallard is on this list because F34R is leading the league in sacks. Mallard is currently ranked number 5 an comes in at the last spot for top 5 defensive coordinators in week 1 of the VFL. As I stated F34R is the stat guy of this defense but Mallard is the signal caller along with Browns owner Drock on the line.


Hitters & Shitters!

This will be part 1 of my article which will be posted once a week. This is week 1 addition of Hitters & Shitters. We will be taking a looks a players who hit if off well from a week to week basis while also looking at the players who shit the bed on a week to week basis.



1) – TxJamesSmithTx – TxJamesSmith put together a stellar week 1. Not only is he the owner leagues 2nd ranked team but he also put up so great number week 1.  James currently has the league best touchdown to interception ratio at 6 touchdowns and 0 Interceptions. He also holds the league second best completion percentage at 67.6%.  All those numbers are great but for me the most important stat is TxJamesSmith is the only QB without a loss on his record.  In week 1 James has wins over Drock , Hutch , Ace Boogs. TxJamesSmith was the one of my hitters for week 1 with his stats and record , the question is will these numbers are wins continue?

2) – F34R Painkiller – First question I have to ask is this Ugongetthiswork 2.0? In week 1 F34R put up off the chart type numbers with a league leading 666 rushing yards ( hes the devil ) and also a league leading 11.5 sacks. While some will say ” well he has Nick Chubb and Myles Garrett ” that might be true but hes still putting up the numbers. He is out performing both of the other running backs on his team Brady and Northzide with less carries and more yards then both. Not only is he out rushing North by almost 300 more yards but he is almost has tripled him in sacks while North was has a salary of 14.5 million and F34R was only 500k. Early on in the season it clear F34R was the best value pick in the bidding. Will this continue or will F34R numbers take a nose dive after week 1?

3) – Crazy Effectz – This guy had a great week at WR. Now looking at his numbers he is ranked 10th at Wide Receiver as far as yard go. But its beyond the numbers it was watching the user skill at wide out and watching his ability to get open. When watching Crazy Effectz against the Chiefs it looked like he was out there running circles around Breesus the self proclaimed best defensive coordinator in the VFL. Not matter what coverage shell the Chiefs put out there this guy found a way to get open. Also while putting up these numbers he was put in a situation where he had to play with two different Quarterbacks during the week which is not easy for a WR to be in sync with different Quarterbacks. Crazy Effectz was another steal in the bidding at for only 1 million.

4) – BLKSUP3RSA1YAN – BLKSUP3RSA1YAN in week 1 had a great week outside of missing a game tying FG because he was higher then a kite ( Literally ). His passing touchdowns in week 1 ( 7 ) are at the same amount of touchdown passes he had total in all of season 6.  His passing yards are also the highest ( lol ) out of any QB who was selected in the bidding within week 1.  BLKSUP3RSA1YAN is the only QB on the Chiefs roster with a winning record. I think if we went back and did the bidding all over again BLKSUP3RSA1YAN would 100% go for more the 4 million considering he was on the superbowl runner up team from season 6. Can BLKSUP3RSA1YAN keep these numbers up or will his ( high ) come down.





1) – Natecashmney – I am very confused when looking at these box scores , Nate has 32 carries , 54 yards and 0 touchdowns YIKKKKEEEESSSSS. Not only is Nate giving the Eagles nothing in from a rushing stand point he is also allowing around 23 points per game as a defensive coordinator. It safe to say with my favorite quote ( Nate is looking like free ass ). Nate is usually a running back who runs the ball better then most and also is known for making plays defensively. With a 14.5 million dollar salary im expecting better from you Nate. DO YOUR JOB.

2) – The Line of Hutch , GoodFellaTg , xKINGJONx – This is the only line in the league that has a record of 0-3 lol. Hutch has the 2nd lowest completion percentage at 47.4% , Jon as a RB/DL only has 151 yards and 1 sack , GoodfellaTg as a DC/DB only has 1 defensive stat LMAO. This line is simply not meshing together and probably needs some type of change. This line is only score 11 points per game while giving up 23 points per game. They put up points and can’t get a stop , I think its safe to say a changing is coming in the near future with this line.

3) – KWAM34MVP – When playing with a quarterback like Abyss expectations are high and KWAM3 has not lived up to the expectations as a defensive coordinator. This defensive is giving up 25 points per game which I believe is the 2nd worst defense points wise besides Omni , Brisket  , Smoove who KWAM3 line somehow managed to lose too. From experience of playing with Abyss he thrives off good defense and good RB play and KWAM3 doesn’t seem to be giving him much of either. Might be time to try out Redwater at DC and see if things change for the better.

4) – DfeetU44 – Dfeet numbers for a 7 million price tag are simply underwhelming. He has the leagues lowest completion percentage at 46% with only 1 touchdown pass. Also on the defensive side of the ball he isn’t giving them much with only 2 pass deflections. Dfeet is one of the leagues highest paid Quarterbacks from the bidding while also giving you the WORST numbers by any QB in the league this far. Dfeet is simply gonna have to get the passing game going to open up the running game for North. At this point I would consider coming out in goal line defense to see if he can make a throw.