Pre Bidding Solo Players Rankings

  1. Realest

There will be a lot of hate on putting a DC in the top 5. I don’t care, Realest is the best DC in the league. Only person in my opinion that rivals Realest in defensive acumen is Mo. Between them two and everyone else, its not even close. I expect Realest to come back tougher than ever. Without a doubt whatever team he lands on will be playoff bound. He will bring top caliber defensive play to whichever team is lucky enough to land him.

  1. Woohdy

The reigning MVP is bound to get a lot of work this season. I said this multiple seasons ago and I stand by it, Woohdy is the best back in the league. Period. I feel like Willy is in that conversation. There are some really really good ones out there. But the performance Woohdy put up last season was by far the best in probably league history (don’t fact check me). Majority of the teams this season wont have a velocity ability so look for a lot of people to tote the rock. All that does for Woohdys value is shoot it to the moon. While sometimes he is toxic to play with his skills are worthy of spending the bank on.

  1. Koolaidz

Making these list are pretty tough. To me going into bidding the best Qb is Koolaidz. Ive been playing with or against Koolaidz since Madden 11 or 12. From Gamebattles to us in the MUT streets in 18 or 19. I know the caliber of player you get with Koolaidz. I’ve played with Koolaidz in in-houses while using shit teams. Regardless of the abilities, he always finds a way to score. That is the difference maker in me putting him here over say JamesSmith. James is good…. but without highballs and velocity abilities, is he? Nobody knows. Plus he didn’t sign up. Ill stick to my guns with going with Koolaidz as the best solo QB in bidding.

  1. TMO

In my opinion Mo and Realest are neck and neck for the best DCs in the league. This season will be a defensive driven season. With the velocity abilties going away for the most part, I anticipate teams will gravitate towards toting the rock. The best solution to that kind of offense is shut down defense. Mo always has a lock down defense. He adjust when he needs to and always watches game film to prepare for matchups. Mo should be a top bid for any team looking to bag shit up.

  1. Willy

You want the best of both worlds in one player. Take Willy. He’s a beast with the ball in his hands on O. He can turn what should be a negative run into positive yardage very frequently. On O he’s good but on defense he’s even better. Mastering the moves on the line and always making Qbs account for him. Willy is the best all around RB/DL in bidding. Whichever team lands him is getting a helluva player.

  1. Logic

While Logic didn’t play last season. He’s a baller on both sides of the ball. His football IQ is very high. He can run the meta with the best of em. He adjust on the fly and is always hip on new ways to get pressure on the Qb. Always changing up the pressure looks and coverage shells. His adjustments alone put him in the conversation for top bidding prospects.

  1. Northzide

North is in HOF consideration. Do I really need to say more? While his DLine play hasn’t been quite up to what we are accustomed to seeing, North will always be a factor in games. My first season back in the league, North and Kuhrow tore me up in back to back games. Ive seen the terror that he can deliver on the line. Maybe we will see that again. Also with no qbs really having abilities, why not bid on the all time leading rusher in the league?  Not only was he a phenomenal pass rusher but he was also a stud RB. I expect teams to invest heavy in North. Hes a great runner and with the qb situations those might be highly valued.

  1. Drock

Drock’s stats never really reflect his play. I don’t understand it. On the field with in houses he always plays hella good but during seasons its like he’s nonexistent. Idk maybe its his former teammates, maybe its because he talks really fast and is hard to understand?  Idk I feel like if Drock slowed his pace by a notch he would be killing it in the regular season. These are all opinions. Idk. I still rank Drock as a top 5 QB in the bidding because I have seen him light up scoreboards.

  1. Fear Painkiller

Fear plays well on both sides of the ball. A season ago he was in MVP consideration. Chubb can make anyone great but he still had to user control those plays. Fear is a good player and would be a good addition to any team with a good rb.

  1. Unglued Tiger

Rumblings over the last few seasons is that Tiger is toxic af. Maybe that’s to keep the price down? Idk. I do know that he has put up solid numbers. In a league where QBs will be kind of handicapped this season, having a great runner out of the backfield is key. Toxic or not. Tiger has a lot of value at the RB position.

Playoff Line Power Rankings pt2

Welcome back to week two of the Playoff Line Power Rankings! There was a ton of shakeup after last week, so I’m hogcrazy to get back into these rankings after those wacky games. I liked the response to last week’s article so much that I’m going to be keeping things the same and staying anonymous. So sit back, sip on some red water, and start posting your complaints about me in general chat so everyone can read them instead of just Rev. Thank you!


1 – IR x Brady, ChildxxPleasex, MrTookYoShi

While the league was collectively melting down over the week, Brady stayed out of the drama outside of one 15 minute stretch on Wednesday. Was he grinding out his next game plan for his next opponent (who we now know are the Packers)? Was he resting up to put up more 40-burgers on fools? I don’t know, but the Packers are going to have a tough time winning this series when Brady can get three of those four wins.

2 – TXJamesSmith, RogueApollo, AppleDanish

I’ll admit, I thought there was a chance that TXJames would get washed by the Chiefs, but he handily eliminated any thought of that. He didn’t have amazing stats with Justin Herbert, so there’s still a question or two about his offense, but TXJames is going to be a big obstacle for any other line in these playoffs.

3 – Ebok, Crazy Effects, Gabe

Went 3-0 with bum Jalen Hurts. It must suck to be as good at Madden as Ebok is. I bet he’s a great writer too.

4 –  IamBeAsTe, BeefyChub, ClutchKing

Beaste had the pleasure of sitting back, smoking a cigar and watching the league meltdown from his owner’s box (which every owner gets as part of their contracts with Primetime Leagues). Everything I said here last week still stands. Beaste is a beast, but I hope he spent this week off figuring out how to beat DB Fire 2.

5 – Hucci, Tmo, Willy

This line went 1-1 against Lucky’s line, while a 2-0 week would have been amazing for them. The Eagles absolutely need Hucci’s line to step up against the Chargers. The Eagles look like they’re two-lines deep, you know Ebok is going to deliver but I’m less sure about Hucci. If Ebok wants any chance of three-peating, he needs Hucci to step up in a big way in the rest of these playoffs.

6 – RCV20, Trey Demonz, NateCashMoney

The surprise line of the week, they went 2-0 against the Browns (before a 4th down violation took away a score and a win) and they look setup to continue that success in the semifinals. I’m still watching these guys to see what they can do, but I’m a believer.

7 – FIG, Smitty, Carnage

FIG is coming off a rough week, and I’m not sure they’re the Packers first line anymore. FIG kinda got exposed at QB, but he was able to still pull out a win to end up at 1-1. I still think this line has the ability to win games, but with Rytzo playing well I’m not even sure if FIG will even be the Packers 2nd line QB next week.

8 – AP Boys

They took the Chargers’ worst loss against the Chiefs, but I still believe in the AP Boys. They still have time to elevate their offensive and defensive games, but I think we need to see them start to air it out more often using the left bumper button. #LetHerbertCook.

9 –  Rytzo, RigsTime, GunTight

These boys have been playing good Madden. They went 1-1 against the Browns last week, and that’s not an easy thing to do. These guys are a huge advantage for the Packers as they can matchup with any other 3rd line and maybe even some second or first lines as well. I’m pretty sure they beat UserB’s line and I had them ranked in the top-10 last week, so this line could be setup to make some noise the rest of the way.

10 –  Remix o2, Dizzel50, JohnnyWheels

Remix pulled a game out against the Chiefs last week, but his games were not without controversy. I don’t like seeing forfeits at any point in the season and especially not in playoffs. I thought the league should have organized a replay for this line’s game against the Chiefs.

11 – Breesuss, Kuhrow, AceBoogs

Breessus played decently well against the Bengals last week(#WheresPlayoffSac?), but this line is still a major liability on the Eagles. What kind of pictures does Breessus have on Ebok and why isn’t he sharing them with the rest of the league????

12 – Explikcit, Kwam34MVP, CallMeeKyle

This line is still a major question mark. Explikcit is, by far, the least experienced QB left in the playoffs and there is questionable help on his line. This line winning any games for the Bucs would be a huge bonus for them, but the odds are stacked against these guys.

Playoff Lines Power Rankings

1 – IR x Brady, xxChildxPlease, MrTookYoShi (10-2) Bucs

Brady, on Brady, has been pretty much unstoppable. He has the best QB stats in the league and would probably win MVP comfortably in any other year. Add on the fact that ChildPlease is legitimately a top-5 user DL skill wise, and you have a very good line. One anonymous owner said: “Brady is probably the best QB in the league now that Abyss retired”. He might have to answer for the 29 point flooding he took from an Eagles line that appears shortly, but Brady will be favored to win in essentially every game in this playoffs.


2 – Hexied, SBG Boxing, WRNZO (7-2) Chiefs

Hexied is the most nuanced and most creative QB in the league. He has a plan of attack for every game, along with counters for defenses that think they can stop his first set of plays. There is a question with his availability, he has already missed a week because of suspension this season, which is the only reason this line isn’t #1.


3 – Ebok, Crazy Effects, Gabe (8-4) Eagles

Ebok is an elite QB and, on a team that has a QB with velocity abilities, he is a top-2 QB and he’s not 2. There are questions with the rest of the line, but Ebok is elite on both sides of the ball. Jalen Hurts is trash, though, and Gabe isn’t very refined at DC, so it’s on Ebok to win every game he plays these playoffs.


4 –  TXJamesSmith, AppleDanish, RogueApollo (12-0) Chargers

James, Apollo and Danish went 12-0 with elite numbers this season and there will likely be at least two pro bowlers/players of the year on this line. There are also huge strength of schedule concerns. One GM said: “James line is probably going to be at a disadvantage. They went 11-0 against the Dolphins, Packers, Bengals and Cowboys during the season, now they have to play the Chiefs in round one.”


5 –  IAmBeaste, BeefyChub, ClutchKing (9-3) Bucs

Elite QB with an elite offense. They should be good enough to win games through pure offense, but there are questions. Beaste struggled in numerous games at the end of the season playing against DB Fire 2, and he’s going to see a lot of that in these playoffs.


6 – Champ, Farah, Tiger (7-3) Chiefs

Champ is an elite QB. Farah is an elite WR, LB and DC. Tiger is an elite RB. This is one of the deepest lines in the league 1-3 and arguably the most talented line in the league, but this is also Champ and Farah in the playoffs so all bets are off.


7 – Hucci, Tmo, Willy (9-3) Eagles

I was told numerous times this season that “Hucci is struggling at QB”. If 9-3 is struggling, then I want to struggle too. Hucci is a great QB and he has two of the best skill players in the league on his line.


8 – UserBFlawless, Redwater, Brisket (8-4) Browns

People are going to call UserB biased for this, but I am not UserB and he had no effect on this ranking. UserB’s line is above TP and Woohdy’s line simply because the Browns’ playoffs chances are going to come down to the QB’s ability to win the game with Deshaun Watson. Teams are going to sell out to stop Chubb, and I have some faith that UserB is going to be able to throw the ball effectively when that happens. This line is also the deepest with Redwater and Brisket alongside UserB.


9 – TPBraves, Woohdy, Accountant (9-3) Browns

This line runs through Woohdy, and almost to a fault. Accountant is playing off-position at WR, and TP didn’t have much of a passing game outside of “quick cheese because they think we’re running”, according to one owner,  this season. The week 4 loss against Brady and the Bucs drops this line significantly in these rankings. The Browns lost the game 26-14 and TP went 0-4 with an interception.


10 – FIG, Smitty, Carnage (7-4) Packers

FIG is the breakout QB of this season, in my opinion. He’s shown himself to have a good, consistent offense that can win VFL games and Smitty is a great DL user. There are some questions about Carnage at DC, “he calls a lot of base cover 3” according to one GM, but FIG might be good enough to win anyway.


11 – LuckyDabs, F34r Painkiller, Jacc (5-6) Bengals

The jury will always be out on Lucky at QB, but F34r and Jacc are showing themselves as elite supporting pieces. F34r’s defense played very well against Koolaidz (whose line would be in the top-5 if the Bills were in) and Jacc is quickly becoming one of the most underrated WR/LBs in the league.


12 – AP Boys (8-4) Chargers

It’s a testament to the depth of this league that the 8-4 AP boys are the 12th ranked line. They played really well on the Cowboys, but they’ve never been ones to abuse the high bullet and you need to abuse the high bullet on the Chargers. If they can show themselves to be able to use the high bullet effectively, this could become the best line on the Chargers.



13 –  RCV20, Trey Demonz, NateCashMoney (4-0) Packers

This is probably the most interesting line in the league. They are 4-0 since RCV took over at QB. That 4-0 includes two big wins against the Browns, who they will be playing against in Round 1. Trey was 0-4 before RCV joined the line, so there are still some questions on this line.


14 – Sacrifice, Northzide, dfeetu (5-7) Bengals

Is Playoff Sac going to show himself this year? If Playoff Sac shows up, this line is set up to do work in the playoffs. If the Sac from weeks 1 and 2 shows up, the only work this line will be doing is packing for Cancun.


15 – Kxng x KIay, Paid Dough, Try LUV (5-6) Chiefs

The top ranked 3rd line in the league. Neither the offense or defense are refined, but they’re good enough to beat any other 3rd line in the league. That’s a HUGE bonus for the Chiefs, who can throw this line out against any team and have a chance at winning.


16 – Rytzo, RigsTime, GunTight (5-6) Packers

This line was on its way to being the league joke before Rytzo became a pretty good QB in weeks 3 and 4, including a game against Ebok’s line where Rytzo finished 18-22, with 231 yards, 3 tds and only 1 int. There was still a very bad game against the AP boys mixed in with his good weeks 3 & 4, but I think these guys have a chance to do something in the playoffs.


17 – Hiigh, IbProFam, T1Anime (6-6) Browns

This line shouldn’t be ranked this low, but there are major questions about this line. IbPro has a relatively poor 7.4 YPC with Nick Chubb, and Hiigh probably has not played enough QB in this Madden after not playing QB in seasons 6 and 7.


18-21 Remix o2, Dizzel50, JohnnyWheels (4-8) Chargers. Breesuss, Kuhrow, AceBoogs (4-8). Beachmode, CriticalTelos, RedHour (3-9). Explikcit, Kwam34MVP, CallMeeKyle (?-?).


Putting these lines together because I think they are all pretty similar. All four of these QBs are pretty inexperienced at the position, and there isn’t enough support on their lines to make up for that inexperience. Johnny is a good DC, but his DB fire 2 is pretty basic. Kuhrow and CriticalTelos are good players, but they’re probably being asked to do too much on their lines. Beachmode had some pretty good games at QB after he switched, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled out a win in the playoffs.


With the first ever VFL play in game right around the corner, I wanted to take a look at who could potentially be in this game!

As I’m writing this the bills are in 7th with the Bengals one game behind them! Bengals play the buccaneers and the browns tonight, both could be losses for the Bengals.

While the bills already played their scheduled game against the browns and lost earlier this week, they also have the dolphins tonight who forfeited both their games yesterday. And could do the same tonight.

Packers are one game ahead of the bills and have the tiebreakers they play the chiefs and the dolphins so their playoff spot is looking pretty safe to me.

The play in game will be one game between the aforementioned seeds, one game, top line vs top line winner plays on, loser watches. This had been discussed for a majority of the season and a few players had mentioned their interest in this style of game! So with an owners vote staff decided to do a play in game. The owners of each team have until noon at Sunday to get the game in, however if a time is not decided before Thursday at 9 that is the defaulted game time! Let’s jump into the potential matchup

If I had to guess it will be “clamped by lucky” (6-5) on the season vs koolaids (10-2) this will probably be a solid matchup lucky seems to always make the playoffs no matter how his team starts. This season will be on his shoulders with the help of fear painkiller the self proclaimed “greatest RB of all time” this has been a solid duo since the trades happened to bring him to cincy, on the other side the bills will definitely throw koolaids , sixth mallard, and potential rookie of the year porkside. These guys as a line are now 9-0 together.

From my point of view, with the Bengals losing joe mixons abilities and the bills catching a load of steam as of late. I think the bills will beat the Bengals out of the playoffs and move forward!

Hucci’s Playoff or Bust


The Bucs are sitting kind of nice going into this week. No chance they miss playoffs. Brady had one hell of a week posting 15TD’s to 2INT’s and going 3-0 in the process. The war between him and Ebok might have been the best game of the year. Beaste had an average week posting a 2-1 record. However, 2-1 being an average week is a result that some teams would kill for. Beaste is primed to take another team to a SB run. Even with Abyss retiring this team is still alot of peoples favorite to win it all. With Beaste and Brady at QB I don’t disagree that it is a major possibility. Good Luck to these guys in the playoffs. I already know they will finish the season strong.


The KC Chiefs are already locks in the playoffs. Even with Hexied missing a week this team still found itself on the winning side this week. Having Hex back in the lineup will reinforce their position as one of the top seeds going into the playoffs. Champ is having a great season. Champ and Farah always find a way to get it done in the regular season. Getting Hexied on the squad in bidding may finally result in them winning it all. I look forward to our rematch with the self-proclaimed “goats” of the VFL.


I said this since the beginning of the season, Woohdy is the best RB in the VFL. His attitude may suck sometimes (which is a trend with RB’s), but the talent is there. He had a season MVP performance in one week. Posting godly numbers and cementing the Browns in the top 3. Woohdy did so well this past week that he kind of overshadowed his teammates who also had a decent week statistically. Both Redwater and IbPro were top 3 in rushing right along with Woohdy. The only difference is Woohdy went 3-0 and they both went 1-2. I don’t see this week being any different with Woohdy carrying this team into the playoffs. Getting Brisket and Accountant somewhere along the way sures up the Browns defense. Accountant is a terror on the line, w/o an ability, I can’t imagine what he will do with Myles. I still think this team will let Woohdy tote them into the playoffs but these are smart moves from Braves to sure up the defense headed into the playoffs.


Here we are sitting at 15-12. To be fair, both me and Ebok have 6-3 (1 loss not at QB) records with Breesus’ 2-7 holding most of our Ls. I am surprised we are almost playoff eligible. Barring a catastrophic breakdown this week, we should make the playoffs. Ebok put on a show this week with his only loss coming to Brady. This firefight between the two reinvigorated Eboks claim as a top 3 QB in this league. He did that with no passing abilities as well. Ebok is firing down range with precision w/o abilities. While I (Hucci) have been struggling. I have been winning but not convincingly. I have been in this league 5 seasons and I have never had stud teammates. Thats the problem I have this season. I have such good teammates on my line and I just don’t know how to use them effectively. I have always had 500k players with me. I’ve been working in the lab to get my guys more involved so we will see how this week goes. Mo has been running a phenomenal defense I just have to pick it up on offense. As for Breesus’ line, the addition of Kuhrow hasn’t really paid off yet. Not his fault. Breesus just plays like he has a passing ability. While this team had a few slumps, I do know we will all show up playoff time (except Breesus). See y’all in the post season.


The Chargers are almost playoff locks as well. TxJames is once again undefeated and in the MVP race. Unfortunately, MVP trophies don’t win SB trophies. I question the strength of schedule. Iron sharpens iron. If you go into the playoffs only playing average and below average lines all season, then you are going to get beat by good teams in the playoffs. It happened last year. Nice stats, but trophies are all that matters. This team will make the playoffs. Honestly though I wouldn’t fear playing TXJames line in the playoffs, I would fear the AP line. They are battle tested and always have great games against the best of competition this league has. I would rather play the other lines than the AP boys. Remix is an old head who is making his return to the league. His first game at QB didn’t really go bad or well. Decent stat line, it just didn’t result in a win. I look forward to seeing how Remix gets along in the new VFL. From my perspective, I’m happy to see Johnny in a postseason. He is a good owner; a good guy and he deserves it after having shit teams in the past. Best of luck to the Chargers heading into the playoffs.




Surprisingly, the Packers are not far off from locking themselves in a playoff spot. If they win out this week it could mean the Pack is playoff bound. Smitty has put together a little squad of hitters. Despite all the trades and other stuff, Smitty’s Pack is still almost .500. Fig and Smitty’s line have done well this season. Fig isn’t lighting up the scoreboard, but they are squeaking out some wins sitting at 6-3. The other line with Rytzo has a few wins as well sitting at 4-4. One of those wins is over me. At 4-4 he holds the key to this team’s playoffs hopes. Rytzo really likes 01 Trap. At this point in the season it’s gonna take more than that to get them over that hump. Hes gotta open the playbook up to compete in the playoffs. As for the other line, RCV20 came out and got a dub in his first game out. Jury is still out on whether his success will continue. The addition of Nate to the squad gives me alot of hope for this team. Nate is a great player and can help propel this team past the other teams on a playoff push.


Lucky always seems to be in the hunt. Making moves and adjustments to set his team up for success. Barely sitting on the outside of a playoff spot that alot of teams are fighting over. His one game suspension this week may come back to haunt him. Lucky coming off a 3-0 week shows he’s finally hitting his stride on this team. Missing a game from one of your star players is tough. The other star QB Sacrifice has struggled this week posting a 1-2 record. I have no doubt Sac will get it together. Hes a good schemer. Maybe changing the gameplan would benefit him. Despite the 2-7 record for the season, Playoff Sac is built different. They just gotta get there first. The Bengals have one of the best RB rooms in the league besides the Browns. Fear, North and Telos are studs in the backfield. Just got to find the scheme to utilize them correctly. The 3rd QB Beachmode is 50/50 mostly. Sometimes he’s on and sometimes he’s completely off. Between him and Sac, one of them must step up and help push this team into the playoffs. I want that Lucky matchup.


I’m kind of surprised that Koolaid’s squad is questionable for playoffs.

Inconsistency at QB has been their biggest downfall. It’s the Bills and Josh Allen. One of the best QB’s in the game. I don’t understand how you struggle with Allen at QB. The Tglass experiment failed the Bills and maybe their playoff hopes. I’m not saying they are out because I expect Koolaidz to always be in the playoffs. But they have to pick it up if that’s going to happen. The Tglass experiment showed the difference between the NFL and AFL. His 0-6 record didn’t help this squad at all. With Shady stepping in at QB I expect this week to go alot better for the Bills. Shady may be the difference in them making playoffs or not. Shady makes good reads so I expect a good week from him. The Bills have gotten both good and bad from the AFL this season. Tglass didn’t pan out but Porkside has shown to be a hidden gem from the AFL. Koolaidz is having a great season as usual. However, for this team to compete in the offs the rest of the QB’s need to step it up.


The Dolphins have been a struggle bus this season. The expectations of Cruce have kind of fallen short of what we thought. Cruce is a great player but when you play with abilities it’s tough to switch to no abilities. Not only switch to no abilities but switch to a lefty with no abilities. While the Dolphins have the speed, they don’t have the wins. Verts has shown up in his first season posting a 6-2 record. Verts has played well accounting for 6 of the teams 10 wins. He has gotten more wins than the other 2 QB’s combined. That’s tragic. While the Dolphins are still struggling to find a 3rd QB that can win, I feel like it’s too late in the season. Their season might be over. On paper this team looked OK at the beginning, but the team looks completely different than the team they started with. While I don’t know if they are eliminated completely yet. This week must be all dubs for them to have a chance.


Ohio had a formidable squad coming into the season. Getting Drock and the AP line. This team looked easily .500. With the GM retiring and none of the QB/s really doing well this season besides the AP line. I think this team has given up on this season. Trading away the AP line and getting T1 Anime just to trade him away shows that. Ohio has always been a good owner but everyone has an off season. I expect him to return next season with better management moves to be better next season.

Hiigh Times- VFL/NFL Player Comparisons

  vfl week 1&2


TXJamesSmith – 2021 Aaron Rodgers: AR finished his 2021 MVP season with 34 TDs 4 INTS, our very own TXSmith is currently on a similar pace with 18 TDs 2 INTs. What more could be said, coming off an MVP season and emerging again as an MVP candidate this season, TXSmith is as good as it gets statistically.

BWall- 2005 Alex Smith: Before Alex Smith would hit “greatness” there was a 9-game span in 2005 where he went 1TD 11INTs with a 40% completion percentage. Similar to this season for Bwall 2TDs 12 INTs 34% completion, things haven’t came easy for the VFL veteran WR turned QB. 

Woody- LaDainian Tomlinson 2006 Season: LT had one of the most dominant seasons the NFL has ever seen in 2006 with a combined 31 TDs and over 2000 yards. It was an MVP year for the star running back and that’s exactly where Woody sits after Week 2.

Shady- Legarrette Blount 2018 Season: Shady is a known player in the league with impressive past seasons similar to Blount before 2018, this season though has started off rocky to say the least. Like Blount in 2018 who ran for a league’s worst YPC 2.7, Shady finds himself this season at the bottom of VFL with 4.4 YPC. 

RogueApollo- Davante Adams 2020 Season: The 2020 season in the NFL was the Aaron Rodgers/Davante Adams show! Similar to our league, TXSmith and Rogue are very dependent on one another, but season after season dominate statistically. Adams finished the year leading in almost every WR category, Rogue should follow suit in Season 8. 

Smash6090- Danny Amendola 2019 Season: Smash and Danny were both put into solid scenarios, Smash playing in BUF w Allen and Danny commanding 100 targets in the 2019 season, unfortunately neither have been able to do much with it. Smash through Week2 has a minimal 2 TDS and 455 yards, back in 2019 Amendola with his 100 targets, could only muster up 1 TD and 678 yards. 

Accountant- Jared Allen 2011 Season: Back in 2011, Allen was in a league of his own.. He ended that campaign with a powerful 22 sacks and completely dominated on his side of the ball. Accountant through week 2 has also been in a LEAGUE OF HIS OWN. Using MIA lineman, he’s somehow surpassed users playing with Myles Garrett and Von Miller. Currently sitting at 18 sacks and half the season left, he could quite possibly surpass 40 sacks now usering Myles Garrett himself!

UngluedTiger360- JJ Watt 2014 Season: JJ Watt completely destroyed lineman in 2014, but still finished 2nd in sacks with an impressive 20.5 sacks on the season. Similar to Tiger this season, his stellar numbers through 2 weeks (15 sacks) gets completely overshadowed by the player mentioned above.

Abyss- Charles Woodson 2009 Season: Back in 2009 Woodson was a straight animal, who dominated in every aspect of defense. 9INTS, 2 Sacks, 4 forced fumbles and 3 TDs- this would carry him to a Defensive Player of the year title. Abyss is in a similar position, posting a highly impressive stat line of 6.5 sacks, 9 INTs, 2 FR and 3 TDs. 




Realest Week 2 Preview

This is gonna be a list of something I wanna see from each team heading into week 2. I will start in order from top to bottom by records from week 1.


Chiefs – For me I wanna see Champ line play better competition. In week 1 they played lines that went a combined 1-8. looking at the schedules for week 2 it looks like they are playing weaker competition again. League complains about the so called top QBs who team up together but I think its more so they don’t play the other top lines in the regular season. so I’m looking to see Champ and his line play better competition in the regular season.


Bucs  – Very similar to Chiefs I wanna see Beaste line up against leagues better lines. Played a little better competition then Champs line but still played against lines that went 3-6. I’m looking to see Beaste vs Champ or Beaste vs Ebok. Those are the games the people in the league look forward to seeing. Also I would like to see Abyss do better then 1-2 this upcoming week. With a 21 million dollar salary there comes expectations and 1-2 every week isn’t going to cut it.


Eagles – How about we get the ball to Northzide. North in seasons 2-7 he was averaging 157 carries per season and this season he is on pace to get 68 carries LMFAO. Breesus needs to understand he is terrible at QB and this isn’t Madden 22 where you can run around with Lamar and Kyler Murray with escape artist and look decent. Play simple mistake free football and give the ball to the all time VFL leading rusher. It sounds like a simple concept but I am uncertain if Breesus can understand common sense.


Browns  – Need to see Highwalker line improve in week 2. His stat line isn’t great at QB which isn’t the big deal its the fact his running back has less carries then 2 other running backs in the league that are not Browns RBs. From the stats its seems like Highwalker is the worst of the Browns QBs when it comes getting the ball to his running back. When you select a team like the Browns your goal is to get the ball to Nick Chubb or Kareem Hunt whenever they are on the field. Ibprofam was tied for 2nd in yards per carry so lets get that man the rock.


Chargers – Can the other 2 lines pick up the slack? James Smith line went 3-0 in week 1 and played some week competition but I can’t really blame them with the way the roster is constructed. Someone on the roster needs to start picking up some wins outside of James and his line. With the addition of Blunkey who went 2-1 last week in Buffalo I’m sure they hope he can continue to keep it up going at least 2-1 on a week to week basis. In order for the Chargers to become at better team someone else has to step it up.


Dolphins – Will Brisket and Accountant get a win in week 2. That’s 21 million in cap on one line and a 0-3 start isn’t ideal. I know neither of them are QBs but at some point you got to figure out a way to get a W. Both have experience being DCs so you got to put your head and skills together and figure out a way to pull out a win. 1 win takes your team from 4-5 to 5-4. I’m interested to see how they do this week compared to week 1.


Bills – I think its safe to say I’m ready to see the Debut of Tglass19 at the NFL level in week 2. We seen him dominate at the AFL level in week 1 but we are ready to see what he can do at the NFL level. My first time seeing Tglass play was in a Youtube video in a very competitive Madden Franchise vs competitive Madden play Kmac. Tglass lost the game by 3 but you could tell right away this guy was a smart Madden player. Coming into the team play scene there are always question marks for 1v1 Madden players making the jump but I Tglass has high expectations heading into Week 2. Will he sink or swim?


Cowboys – Looking to see what the 3rd line can do. In week 1 the Cowboys line 3 went 0-3 while the other 2 lines went 2-1 which I would say is a total shock to most people. Cowboys owner Mr Ohio picked up a new QB Draco for his 3rd line after clear struggles from Sir Bottomis in week 1. Draco put up some solid numbers in week one in the AFL with 6 touchdowns and 5 interception with also 140 rushing yards, Just 1 win in at the NFL level this would would be a step in the right direction for the Cowboys if the other 2 lines can win 4 games again.


Packers – Need to see better products from the 500k army. F34r is the only player on this roster who didn’t cost 500k. Its unrealistic to ask him to carry this team on his shoulder by himself so with that I need more productions from the other 6 roster players and management.


Bengals – Its a very simple here in Cincy. Lucky needs to be better no excuses. All off season he talked about how he wanted smoke from line 1s and when he played 3 line 1s according to records in week 1 his line got outscored 72-42 losing by a average of 10 points per game. Not to mention Lucky is a self proclaimed top 3 QB within the league who gave up his QB spot in the Super bowl to someone who went 1-2 in week 1. Until Lucky starts winning I think we should mute him in general chat ( seriously joking ).





High Times Week One Recap

  vfl opening week 


Packers: Lackluster start for Smitty and Fig at 3-6, but I was impressed with their front office ability to swap Brisket for Fear in a series of trades with the Eagles and Dolphins. Having a team like GB means you always have a shot to win, but the way these 3 lines have played thus far, running the ball seems to be the focal point, even though they have the best passer in the game. I’m interested to see how they perform Week 2.

Browns: Many doubted this team had what it took to even be competitive.. Looking at each roster, NFL and VFL, I personally didn’t understand the logic. Now there’s still massive questions that need to be answered and most of that revolves the teams QB room, but if finding a way to competently pass the ball 8 times a game is the only missing piece here?? I’d say this team by design, has a shot to do very well.

Chiefs: Not really a surprise here at 7-2, arguably the league’s best QB and most definitely the league’s best new QB paired up in a current VFL that lacks elite Quarterbacks. I’m not going to roast or praise this team because they have so many handouts given to them. Fara only plays for Champ and Hex has MUT friends the rest of the league hasn’t heard of. They will be dominant and they will be favorites to win the league.

Cowboys: 4-5 was a better opening week than I would have predicted. The AP line is the most deceiving line in the league, they never go for any real money, but they can beat anyone… I still want to see what this team’s long term goal is. Spent nothing on their NFL team and nothing on their VFL players, they have more cap than the Browns and the Browns have 16 MILLION LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Eagles: Could Ebok pull an MJ and 3peat??! It’s funny, last two times he won, I can remember early points in the season where it seemed like his teams were destined to fail, then the big turnaround happens. This year could always follow suit, but I’m still on the fence about a non-elite QB team winning over the games current meta of high ball passing. 5-4 is still respectable and the season is still young.

Bucs: At 6-3, this is exactly where I assumed a team with 3 elite QBs would be. Another no brainer scenario where of course Beaste lands Brady as GM, after Brady spent all off season telling everyone he wouldn’t do it and of course somehow Abyss falls right in their lap, after he ironically posted his “scheduling issues” for the upcoming season. So once again, I won’t roast or praise this team.. OBVIOUSLY their going to do well.

Chargers: Good for Johnny Wheels, he was able to land the best QB and the most appealing team to play for in the VFL based on their NFL roster. At 4-5, you’re right there in the mix with everyone and ironically, their trade of BWALL for Blunkey is an extremely low risk/high reward move. Now it’ll take TX Smith basically winning every game he plays for this team to contend, but that’s truly how their team is deigned.

Dolphins: Middle of the pack at 4-5, the Dolphins are an odd team to predict, with their out of nowhere trades that actually benefitted them the most in the end ironically- this team will need to find their identity as we head into Week2. Their best weapons at the moment, are also the thing that could potentially hold them back. Accountant and Brisket have always made it known they will look for trades if things don’t go as planned, for a new Owner/GM using a team like MIA in a league filled with KC, BUF, TB, LAC, GB, that’s a recipe for disaster unless this team gets hot next week. Week 2 is make or break for them!!

Bengals: It pains me to say this about a team I have much respect for, but I don’t see it with this group right now.. Before I dive into the negative, there is one positive and that’s the QB play of Flawless. After that, you’re looking at a 3-6 team with no identity and very little star power from the VFL roster. As their NFL team goes, the Bengals are SNEAKY GOOD and have the ability to compete with any team, I want Lucky and company to bounce back in Week2 because the league is better when he’s relevant, but if they can’t make it work, I can see things getting ugly very quick and Lucky has never been one to handle being ridiculed well.

Bills: Another scenario similar to Johnny Wheels and LAC where I’m scratching my head, not knowing what to make of this team. On the outer looking in, you have the best roster in football (Buffalo Bills) and you paired that with an elite QB in Koolaidz. After that, it’s a lot of waiver transactions and even more question marks. Leaving Week 1 at 4-5 is basically a wash, so I’m curious to see what Week 2 holds for this group.


Week 2…. Here… We… Come.


The R3al3st Interview

 The self proclaimed VFL GOAT graced me with his presence for this interview, I know his time is valuable so we got straight into the questions! Realest when he plays is usually one of the top DC’s if not the top DC in the league he mixes his play calls up well and makes great adjustments to keep his opponents guessing!

1. I think I already know the answer to this question, however some may not. Why did you decide to stay as staff but not play in the league this season?

  I’ve always enjoyed this league , playing competitive team play has always been fun for me. Also I decided to stay on staff because I’ve known these guys for 10+ years. I’ve known Willy and Fatal since I was like 19 years old. I’ve known Rev since I was like 21 and I’ve known Tmo for years as well. I’m loyal to people treat me with respect. I decided to not play for multiple reasons. I simply needed a break for a season. I’ve wanted that break since season 2 tbh because of things that took place that season that left a bad taste in my mouth. Another reason for taking a break is going for lots of salary in the bidding is not fun. I’m a team first guy and I’m all about winning. Being more close to 60% of a team salary isn’t fun , I want my teammates and team to shine and me being that much hurts a team in my opinion which led to me sitting out. If I would have went in the bidding this season I would have probably went for 25+ million.

2. Last season going for 23.5 million, and still winning the Super Bowl was something I know I never saw in the league arena days of the VFL did you feel any added pressure being so expensive?

  Its a video game man there is no type of pressure at all. There are people who live pay check to pay check tryna figure out how to pay bills while also being able to put food on the table that’s pressure. Every game in the VFL my job is to go out there and stop the other teams offense to make things easier on my QB. As long as I do that to my best ability at the end of the day I’ve done my job.

3. What was it like playing on the VFL’s trolls (ebok) team?

  When I first found out I was going to Ebok I was a little disappointed. I never played with anyone on that roster before besides Gabe. Once I found out I was playing with Gabe I was a little bit for accepting of the situation. First week was great besides Blk being so high we lost a game. At the end of week 3 Ebok told us we were gonna be switching lines around a little bit for playoffs and I knew we had a shot to win. Ebok offense along with my defense and Gabe being a great WR I knew we would lose a game which we didn’t. After the end of season I realized even if you don’t like a situation at first always give it a shot because it could pay off. It was a fun team to be apart of outside of that shitter Bressus.

4. If there were position locks now like there was back in the day, would you play QB LB? That way you could control the play calling of both the offense and the defense?

   Yes I would play QB and call defense. Offense is really simple because we don’t have very many DCs who makes the adjustments enough to bother me enough at QB. Also after last season I wouldn’t even consider letting someone else call defense while I’m out there. One thing I think I ended the debate on in this league is who the best DC was. Everyone cried about AGGs all season long and I kept saying when it was time I would shut them down and I think I showed that against the Bucs and the Mut Children in the playoffs.

5. I know you do not care about stats, I know your biggest goal is to win baby win, with that in mind you could play MCS or other types of competitive platforms. What is it about the VFL that keeps you here?

  I honestly just love playing with regular teams. I enjoy the concept of team play. 1v1 Madden will always have a spot in my heart because that’s what I started doing when I first played Madden but Football at the end of the day is a team game and I love the concept of winning as a team..  I’ve won 2 SBs in this league and honestly I’m more happy for the guys I’ve won with. I think its cool to see guys like Telos , Woohdy , T1 Anime get to enjoy being on a winning team. Even season 3 being on a team and winning with Abyss was awesome feeling. Playing with someone who sees it the way I do and to win is a great feeling. I stay around for the team play aspect.

6. Let the league know a little about yourself for the new players or even the guys who don’t know you super well, whether it’s personal madden or just gaming related in general

  For the new people or the people who don’t really know me. I would probably say most think I’m a dickhead. At the end of the day I just wanna see people get better at Madden and not settle for being middle of the pack. People probably think I’m this big asshole and not a fun person to talk to but the people who really know me would tell you otherwise. I’m just a very competitive person with a win first menality.